In your sex life there are some things your mate does that really turn you on and others that really turn you off. You have to tell your partner what you want and what you dislike, including specific behaviors and attitudes that are appreciated or get in the way. This is the coaching process. You want to maximize your sex life? Talk! Emphasize and practice the positive!
Here are some important guidelines for giving helpful suggestions as you coach your mate and maximize your sex life:
1.Major coaching should be done fully clothed as you dialogue about your sex life. Subjects could be poor hygiene, inhibitions, boredom, pushiness, and/or technique deficits.
2.Minor adjusting needs comfortable nonverbal and verbal language that can be done nonthreateningly. For example, you might say, “That hurts. ”, “Slow down.” “You’re on my arm. ” “More.” “Shift. ”
3.Keep your coaching adult-to-adult as you teach without becoming parental or condescending. Stay humble and self-confident as you listen to criticism. Allow yourself to be in a nondefensive learning mode, and create dialogue. This is a partnership.
4.Focus on the positive! The primary goal of coaching is not to correct wrong. It is to maximize the strengths, bring the best otit in players—not simply to correct imperfection.
5.Great coaching employs many methods. Demonstrate by doing it on yourself or guiding your mate's hand, dialogue and exchange information, buy books and use them as your assistant coaches, go to a sex therapist, and start with small changes.
6.Know yourself! Acquire wisdom! It is tough coaching if you are not sure what you need or want. Read; experiment; give yourself permission to be uninhibitedly sexual as you become truly self-aware. Great coaches know and utilize each player's strengths and abilities.