Some men were real enough to admit, “The reason I haven’t stopped looking at cybersex is that it is too exciting and I don’t think I want to give it up yet.” Lack of sexual integrity can be a sin problem, plain and simple, and this man couldn’t see what sugar-coated poison he was eating. “The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace”(Rom. 8:6 Niv). God has broken the power of sin in the lives of those who have a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit is in each of us to grow us up into sexual naturity, but we have to choose to access His power. Keeping infused with God's energy takes bravery and daily choice. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. We have to resist sexual sin and immaturity.
It is also critical to remember the importance of breaking Satan's sexual strongholds and bondage in our lives. Accessing the power of our position in Christ may take strong prayers of deliverance from Satan's power. We have past relationships and fantasies that have bound us to evil and distortion. We have become "one flesh” with women other than our wife (1 Cor. 6:16 niv), and God's power must be accessed to break this hold.
We will make better choices as God helps us become appalled at how shallow, ugly, stupid, and tragically destructive sexual sins are. Psalm 97:10 exhorts us to “let those who love the LORD hate evil” (Niv). When we lust after another woman or are tempted to have an affair, we can better understand the damage by switching to an evil we could never imagine ourselves doing—like taking a tire iron from our car and bashing our wife with it. We each need to recognize how cruel and mean God views our sinful fantasies and actions to be.