Erotic Things to Say to Your Partner During Foreplay

Author Elizabeth Cramer From 131 Dirty Talk Examples 7 years ago 14828

The following are 35 different things that can be said to your partner during foreplay.

During Foreplay

1.You look so sexy when you do that.

This is really good for those particularly self-conscious moments, showing that in spite of how paranoid your partner may be about a particular act, pose; or look, that you still find them to be desirable, regardless of whatever hang-ups they may have. This is especially true of those couples who have been together for longer periods of time, as due to that duration, they may no longer feel as desirable as they did when the two of you first got together, and while you may still desire them just as much as you did the first day, the validation provided by hearing those words out loud is always a good boost.

2. I want to feel you in my mouth.

Telling someone exactly what you want heightens the pleasure gained from the particular action, and shows that you are just as into it as they are. It also provides a stunning visual of what will come next, ensuring that the mental imagery is just as strong as the physical sensation and that each one funnels into the other, serving to enhance both.

3. You taste so good.

This is another good one for those self-conscious moments, easing any concerns that your partner may have about whether or not you are doing something because you want to do it, or if you are doing so just because they want you to. It shows that you are right there with them, and loving every minute of it. It's surprising how much of a difference this one simple phrase can make to both peace of mind and increased enjoyment. It serves to get the other person out of their head completely and right back into the current action going on.

4. Your pussy tastes so good.

5. Your juices taste so good.

6. Love the things you do with your tongue.

This serves as another way to point your partner in the right direction, showing them what you like, or what you prefer, with your vocalizations, ensuring the things that they keep in mind for the next and providing a polite way to take the things you’d like out of rotation. In place of talking about the different ways that they use their tongue that you especially enjoy, you can substitute fingers, legs, arms, lips and so on.

7. I want you so bad.

By flat out telling someone you want them, you only stroking their ego, showing them that they are desirable as a human being, but also that it isn't some fantasy going through your head. You want them and not some other random person. It is a heady feeling to know that you are desired above all else, and that feeling will translate into other aspects of the particular experience that you are currently engaging in with your partner.

8. Your wish is my command.

This serves as another way to give up control and give it to your partner, if only in the bedroom, and if only for this night. In doing so, you are showing that you trust that they will not ask anything unreasonable, irrational, or potentially harmful of them. The idea that someone will do anything for you, if you will only utter it is a heady feeling indeed and it serves to increase the anticipation behind any thought, action, or deed taken from that point on.

9. Play with yourself for me. I want to watch.

This will appeal to the person with the voyeuristic side, the person for whom being watched is a complete turn on, and even if the person does not believe they are voyeuristic, they will find themselves getting turned on just seeing the other person getting turned on as they watch.

10. Do you like it when I touch myself here?

This makes a bit more interactive, asking what aspects best appeal to your partner, and giving more information not only on how they get themselves off (providing pointers), but also letting you know what they like best.

11. Kiss me there. (With each there point to a spot).

By turning this into an order; the power rush when your partner moves to obey your every whim, showing that you are in control adds a further sense of anticipation to their attachment and every move.

12. Lick every inch of me.

Another order, showing again that, for right now at least, you are in control, and offering an increased sense of anticipation for you, imagining exactly how they will do so, where they will start, and attempting to guess what will come next.

13. I could spend hours between your legs; teasing you sucking you, tasting you.

The visuals that this evokes, the imagery, is enough tighten things low in your partner's body, making the sensations once you go back to your task that making more intense, because they are imagining this going for far longer than it is.

14. Tell me how you touch yourself.

This is another variant, using the descriptive imagery to paint a picture and serving to increase the sense of urgency for things to escalate from where they currently are. It can also serve to show you which words or phrases that your partner may like; by making note of the words they use, you are able to see which words they prefer, and can consequently turn around and use those same words back on them, offering an additional boost.

15. Grab my head and force me closer.

By telling your partner what you want them to do, you are showing again that you are giving control to them; and that you trust them to not use that power to cause any adverse harm, or to cause any issues with your body, and saying that you believe they know your body limitations.

16. Your body is mine tonight.

This is a possessive declaration; showing that you being to your partner, and they will do whatever they manipulate your body however they want, and give or suspend pleasure at any time, simply for the enjoyment and anticipation of both parties.

17. You have no idea what I am going to do to you tonight.

18. I always get what I want, and what I want right now is you.

This statement is not only full of confidence, but by showing confidence in yourself, you are also showing confidence in your partner and the certainty that they want you just as much as you want them, and because of that, will give up their control and play the subservient, at least this once.

19. You are so wet.

20. I adore how naughty you are.

This works to validate your partner as well, showing them that you like what they are doing, and how they are doing it, and that you want them to continue. It takes away the second guessing, so you don’t leave your partner trying something new and then fretting about whether or not it was enjoyed, or appreciated.

21. Your tits feel good.

22. My cock feels so good between your tits.

23. You will do what I say tonight.

This is almost a continuation of number forty, as it allows for not only a punishment aspect if something is disobeyed, but also offers a potential power shift which spices things up in and of itself, by changing the game around a bit. Statements like this work best when used with a tone that will brook no argument, showing clearly exactly who has decided to take charge at that time.

24. I am your slave for the night tell me what you want me to do for you.

For many, this conjures up images of a partner in a slave's costume, forced to do anything asked of them, and with that imagery comes increased titillation. It is the ultimate concept of giving up complete and total control.

25. Look down. Tell me what you see; describe it to me.

By having your partner watch what is happening, and then describe it, the auditory and visual stimulation that will result, when combined with the physical sensations already being felt, serve to expand the experience for both parties. This audio track serves to enhance the pleasure of both parties, and may also be as a way to offer a shift in roles, with the partner who is describing things changes from describing what is occurring to what they want to happen next.

26. Not yet; you haven’t teased me enough yet. Make me beg.

This shows that you are asking to be submissive for the duration of the encounter, putting your partner in sole control; it is completely up to them how much, and how long, the teasing will be, and whether or not they give you what you beg for is completely up to you.

27. You can have any hole you want.

A phrase of this nature shows that there is an explicit level of trust in the relationship, and that there is no doubt in your mind that not only will they not cause you harm, but also that they will make the experience particularly enjoyable one for you.

28. Suck on my balls.

This command to a partner shows a high level of trust with this especially sensitive and easily damaged area the body; it tells their partner how deep the confidence that no harm will befall them is, while ensuring that they are the recipient of what is described as a most pleasant feeling.

29. I am so hard for you.

30. You make me so hard.

31. Look at how ready I am.

This triggers the visual aspect, inviting your partner to look, really look, and not just see, how much you desire them; a powerful aphrodisiac. By drawing attention to the evidence of your desire, you are ensuring your partner is right there in the moment with you. They are fully aware of what their actions are doing to you, and they are able to see how truly desired they really are.

32. Feel how ready I am for you.

This is a slight variation on number three, moving it from the visual to the physical, making it interactive, and combining the words with the visual allows for that extra shiver of anticipation. It is one thing to see how much a person physically affects another person, however to touch that physical manifestation of their desire for you takes it up to a whole different level of anticipation.

33. You want me to fuck you, don't you?

34. Do you want to feel my cock in your pussy?

35.Can’ t wait to feel you inside of me.

This further proves that you want your partner, and you want them right now; this serves to show the eagerness you feel, and prove that you are in the moment with your partner themselves.

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