From “I Am Okay” to “We Are Okay” in Sex Life

Author Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau From A Celebration of Sex 7 years ago 11180

What’s your attitude towards sex life? It’s a crazy dynamic in a relationship—you can get on either a positive or a negative roll. Insecurity and inadequacy feed on themselves and grow worse. Believing you are sexy, or not, becomes a selffulfilling prophecy. Confidence and greater skills create a platform for launching a couple into an even better sex life.

Sexy Attitudes and Behaviors

Which comes first: the attitudes or the behaviors? Do you initially need to think you are sexy and then build a repertoire of sexy behaviors? Or do you practice sexually stimulating behaviors and from these actions derive increasing confidence and a sexy attitude? You can't eliminate either the attitudes or the behaviors. They go hand in hand. Inadequate knowledge could hamper the most positive attitudes of feeling sexy. An inferior, self-conscious perspective could hinder great technique. The truly sexy couple has to work on both.

There is a fundamental rule for staying confident with lovemaking in an intimate marriage: the truly sexy couple is forever changing in both attitudes and behaviors. Life is constantly in flux. The forever-changing couple is characterized by openness, flexibility, the ability to take risks, a zestful enjoyment of life, and the gracious ability to forgive and live with the messiness of a real relationship.

Forever Sexy

Inhibitions, misbeliefs, lazy ruts, and poor body image won’t create a forever-sexy couple. Get on a positive roll and keep it up for the rest of your marriage, concepts like truth, sexiness, admiration, playfulness, frequency, and power must conquer embarrassment, timidity, control, naivete, and boredom. “I’m not very sexy” must be disputed and countered in your mind and behavior. God has given you a wonderful body and an awesome relationship—make love with vigor and confidence.

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