Making love is much more than just getting nude or rushing into intercourse. Loveplay can lead Nowhere can even keep your clothes on, and can include intimate nurturing, teasing, and relaxation.
Intimate, wise lovers know how to create and enjoy a variety of atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors in their sexual connecting within their covenant companionships. Incorporate variety into your intimate passion and see your lovemaking flourish. You may combine a couple of these ideas or enjoy them separately. Remember the importance of uninterrupted privacy, effective timing, a sensual setting, and keeping an open invitation to make love.
1.Gourmet Marathon
Perhaps the most precious gift mates can give each other is time. If fifteen minutes is fun, an hour can become truly sensual. With gourmet lovemaking, all five senses are emphasized, with much creative variety. Lovers can vary the tempo from intense to languid. Intercourse and orgasms will be included at various times along the way, but intimate connecting of all kinds is the course du jour. Gourmet marathons may start with intimate eye contact and conversation at a restaurant and include the evening date night or it may be that Sunday afternoon delight. Hanging out for hours as lovers is quite awesome!
2.Quick Encounter
I love the quick jolt that the Free Fall gives me at Six Flags Over Georgia—what a ride. On a hot summer day to stop at Baskin-Robbins and get a Daiquiri ice-cream cone. Wow! God created us with nerve endings, an important feelings center in our brain called the amygdala, and an enjoyment of adventure and romance. No wonder mates enjoy the spontaneous fun of sexuaJ quickies. To indulge in immediate arousal and gratification is hilarious and uninhibited. I think God, in His playfulness, laughs with us.
I Used to state that quickies were more of a “man thing” with our need to live on the edge and be wild at heart. But women confronted me when I said that and stated that they too enjoyed that spontaneous romp and an unexpected climax in the daily routine. Now, I don't think any of us would Jive daij, on the Free Fall or at Baskin-Robbins, but what a treat now and again What are kitchens for anyway, or the bathroom with a locked door, or that reclining car seat, or the kids leaving the house with Grandpa for an icecream cone?
3.Playful Romp
Great lovers know how to revel in their child ego state. Children are so fascinating as everything becomes a toy or a game, with play reigning supreme. When is the last time you got nude and chased each other with a squirt gun or rubbed lotion all over your bodies? Adults forget how to frolic and tickle and squeal with delight. Lovemaking can include much lighthearted laughter and simple fun. Play may be more necessary than passion sometimes.
I often prescribe as homework for couples that they take showers together. They can soap each other up with a lot of touching that is not intensely erotic, but playful. Props can be fun, like a shower and soap or feathers or food or Crisco oil. Romp and play!
4.Erotic Volcano
Have you ever thought of why God created orgasms as a part of sexual lovemaking and what they represent within His economy? It is more profound than simply a release of tension and increasing the likelihood that we will procreate. I think He wanted to give us a profound experience of what can happen when the body and soul combine to give us focused sensuality and feeling—much as we can internally resonate with music and worship. A candlelit bedroom or a deserted beach can increase the ambiance for this passionate explosion.
It is fun to deliberately build passionate feelings and create orgasms that feel like Mount Saint Helens going off— either one partner at a time or somewhat mutually. Some of this is having enough of a prelude and a teasing, erotic setup. Then it is focusing in on personal arousal and allowing the sexual tension to increase with rapid friction, as you approach orgasm and then back off, enjoying the build up. Partners giving the pleasure increase their mate’s arousal by mirroring his or her approaching climax with empathetic groans of pleasure, tense muscles, and heavier breathing too. Finally, hang on the edge with muscles tense and holding your breath—and then truly abandon your in-hibitions and surrender to the explosion. Help your mate experience that erotic volcano.