One of the biggest sexual problems between heterosexual couples today is the elusive female orgasm. Studies show that 80% of women have reportedly not experienced an orgasm, or have a hard problem having one. This figure is much higher than lesbian couples, who do not have a hard time getting their partners to orgasm. It is therefore wise that couples find ways to deal with this problem together.
It is important to first look at the possible reasons that may lead to lack of orgasms in heterosexual couples.
Selfishness:partners in a heterosexual relationship tend to focus on their own pleasure more than that of their partners. This is in contrast with the lesbian couples, who take turns to please each other.
Focus on Intercourse: In heterosexual unions, couples tend to focus on penetration. Sometimes foreplay is rushed through and sometimes couples forget about it altogether. Most same sex couples focus on other things besides coitus.
In lesbian couples, partners kiss, caress and engage in extended sessions of oral sex even when sex toys are available for use.
Rushing Though Sex: It is important to take as much time as possible to ensure that you please your partner and avoid rushing through it. Do not think of sex as having stages. Take time through foreplay and coitus, particularly.What if the woman is having a hard time getting an orgasm.
Stages of Orgasm
In order to increase the chances of the man giving the woman the big orgasm, it is important to understand the stages that lead to a female orgasm.
You've probably heated that seduction for the woman begins outside of bedroom. Her state of mind outside of the bedroom and on the events leading up that point are just important as what happened in the bedroom.
It is advisable to ensure that you resolve any issues,have with her long before you both meet in the bedroom. If you are taking her to your place, ensure it is habitable and dean. You should make the room romantic. Have candles chocolate and wine, if possible.
Sexual Desire
This is the point where she is aroused and is ready to have sex with you. Women do not always show this desire explicitly. She often prefers that you figure it out and approach her. This is particularly true for women, who are in a relationship. At this stage she will respond positively, when you touch her. She may get wet and her nipples will begin to get erect in response to your touch.
This is the perfect stage for both clitoral and G-spot stimulation. It is not advisable to stimulate the clitoris directly until she is aroused or the clitoris is stimulated indirectly through its hood. At this point, if you do everything right, she will respond positively and may even get her first orgasm as a result.
Plateau Stage
This is the point just before orgasm, she begins to breathe rapidly and heavily. Her vaginal muscles may begin to contract. This point is crucial, if she is to get an orgasm. Whether you were performing oral sex on her or engaging in penetrations, consistency is the key. Keep the rhythm and avoid unnecessary interruptions.
As the other stages went smoothly, then orgasm will be achieved. Sometimes, successive orgasms may be achieved, if the stimulation of her genitals continue either through oral sex or coitus. Relaxation, where couples cuddle after sex, is an important part of this process. It makes both partners feel loved and ready to start the whole process all over again.
The tips given here are just guidelines to help couples figure out their sex life. Communication and experimentation is important and couples shouldn't limit themselves by sticking to what is given here. Couples can discover a lot of things about each other, which will help them, improve their relationship in and out of the bedroom.