If you find that naked in front your partner fears being of you, discuss it. There may be reasons. Some people are brought up to believe that it’s not something that you should do and may need coaxing out of their shells. Never make a person such as this feel uncomfortable about nakedness. Instead, coax them gently and compliment what you see.
Husbands, if you like your wife’s legs, for example. Let her know that. Let her know how much her legs turn you on and how you look at them when she's wearing short shirts. This will make her feel more confident and sexually attractive. Also, when you are in your bed with your wife, give extra attention to her physical features that you like the most. If you like her legs, take time to kiss every inch of her legs and tell her how she has the most beautiful legs in the world. If you like her breasts, tell her. Tell her what you like about her breasts -size, softness, color of the nipples, etc. This may feel awkward at first but this will assure your wife that she's still sexually attractive. This will increase her sexual confidence and you'll reap the benefits later on.
She’s being more willing to cater to your sexual needs if she's more confident sexually. Wives don't tell your husband that you wish he had a body like Charming Tatum’s. Instead, tell him how much he turns you on. You have to openly talk about how you love his sex moves. If you like how he kisses your neck or how he caresses you, let him know about it. This will surely blow his mind and it will make him feel wanted. If he’s been going to the gym, let him know that you noticed how his biceps are growing bigger. This may feel silly but this will mean a lot to your husband. This will make your husband feel that you want him and it will make him feel like a king.
The point is that a person of this nature will be very shy and will not take criticism well. That's an important part of intimacy which is embraced by emotional support is what will help in a situation such as this.
Other reasons for physical needs not being met may be a lack of dialog in bed. Did you ever talk to your partner about his/her fantasies? Did you ever watch a sexy movie together and know the kind of reactions your partner would give to certain stimuli? Have you actually ever taken the time to please your partner and forget about pleasing yourself? Some men are like clumsy oafs when it comes to lovemaking. They sweat -they fumble and they make the whole process onerous. Some women are equally frigid and make the experience a non- event. The way to work your way through this always begins with talking. Talk about what pleases her. Talk about what you want your partner to do to you. If you want a longer foreplay or you want your partner to give you a blow job, say it.
Remember that your partner cannot read your mind. He/ she will not know what you want unless you openly say it.
While you are going into some hot foreplay playfully tell your spouse to pull your hair, kiss your neck, touch your inner thighs, or whatever it is that you want your partner to do to you.
Take a shower together so there's less likelihood of sweat and then guide your partner into doing the things you would rather he/ she do. The physical side of the relationship should never be forced. If it takes time to learn what your partner likes, then take that time because the journey will have been worth it. If your partner likes complicated sexual positions, it may be helpful to take a yoga class. Yoga increases your libido naturally. It increases the blood flow and this will make you more sensitive to the caresses of your spouse. It heightens the sensations in your body. It also increases your energy and confidence. It helps you accept and love your body more. Some yoga poses like the camel pose and the chair pose will help you achieve full body orgasm.
Also it would help if you try tantric classes. Tanta is more than just about sex. It teaches you to be aware of your body. It allows emotional fluidity and it allows you to experience full body orgasm. It also helps you to look at sex as a sacred act. So, you'll enjoy it even more. Most married couples, especially those who have kids, are into quickies. Tanta will help you realize the importance of foreplay. It allows you to enjoy your partner's body more.