Sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest impact! Yesterday we talked about tilting your pelvis; today we’re going to list some things men can do to make sex feel that much better for her. Guys, here we go:
1. Let The Tension Build
Teasing and building tension often makes sex far more pleasurable for women than just jumping in because the teasing helps her to anticipate what's coming next. Since sex for women is so much in our heads, we need that chance to look forward!
When you're making love, then, don't thrust all the way in at the start. Start shallow and slow, growing more deliberate and deeper as she starts to feel more aroused. Sometimes, of course, she’ll like things more quickly, but encourage her to set the pace. If you start right in before she's ready, she often will never have a chance to catch up.
2. Use Lubrication When Needed
Some women have a harder time “getting wet”. And sex, when you’re not well-lubricated, it doesn’t feel that good. But if you add some lubrication, such as Astro-Glide or K-Y Jelly, she’ll feel more pleasure. This should never replace foreplay, but at times it can be very handy, such as when trying a new position, when enjoying a "quickie", or even when going through menopause when hormones are all over the place When she is well-lubricated, her body will also respond better to intercourse.
Breasts are funny things; some women enjoy their nipples being stimulated and some do not. But just because she doesn't like it during foreplay does not mean that she won't like it later on. Often women whose nipples are very sensitive when they aren't very aroused actually enjoy being pinched a bit right before orgasm. So experiment a little. The best way to tell is for her to start being aware of her own body. Ladies, pay attention to your body’s cues. If something will feel pleasurable, chances are it will start to give you signals. So ask yourself, what wants to be touched now? You may find that your breasts do respond later, near the end of the encounter.
3. Locate Her G-spot
Finally we have that elusive G-spot. Yesterday I said that what triggers almost all orgasms is clitoral stimulation, and that's mostly true. But many women also swear by the “G- spot”, a little oval of knobby flesh located about 1.5-3 inches up the front wall of the vagina (the wall that’s against your stomach, not against your back). It's not right on the surface, but about 1 cm below, so it’s a little difficult to stimulate. Also, because it's on the front wall, it's on the top when you're in the missionary position, which can make it a little more difficult to find. Some researchers believe that it is simply an extension of the clitoris, and so they’re one and the same thing. Others think that it doesn't exist at all.
My feeling is that we should never feel dysfunctional if we can’t find it, since large scale studies have failed to consistently show a definite anatomical location for it. But many women swear by it, and since the research is bound to be fun, why not try? It will feel good even if you don't find the G-spot.
You can attempt to locate it either by having him insert his fingers (after applying lubricant!) or through intercourse. Some people find that the “spooning” position, where you’re lying on your sides facing the same direction, or the woman-on-top position so that she can vary her movement, work best. And you’ll know when you find it; it’s often a very intense rush, with orgasm soon afterward.