Main Issues Related to Orgasms

Author Amber Cole From The Science of Remarkable Sex 7 years ago 14876

Are orgasms always the end goal when it comes to sex? Oxytocin gets released in spades by both genders after orgasm and it causes bonding, attachment and essentially feelings of love. It feels like the best part of sex physically, and biologically, it's what produces babies! Of course it's what we are after.There is big difference between about how men and women perceive and experience orgasms. Because for men, orgasm just ends when it penetrates into a vagina. But the definition of sexual intercourse literally means a penis penetrating a vagina has been so widespread that it begins to ignore the needs of women.Content hereby is much related to emotions and feelings of women.

There are many barriers to orgasm that women face that men have no concept of. Many of the barriers are biological and developmental but an equal amount are related to the socialization of female sexuality, specifically how it is encouraged to be suppressed and repressed.

Women often have lower hormones and libidos as a result of their periods and birth control and they lack the testosterone levels of men. They may not fully understand their own physiology and the distance between clitoris and vagina: the greater the distance, the more difficult it is to orgasm. Men may have some physiological issues such as insensitivity due to foreskin issues, but they are nothing compared to the issues of women.

Moral issues

This is simply when women have been socialized to percive sex as bad and immoral. If you look around society today, it is undeniable that this perception still exits to some degree. The main themes of an attractive woman are to be "classy" and "clean" while slut-shaming normalized among all types of females.

This is another perspective that pops up during socialization and development. For example, most women that were raised in highly pious and religious households view sex as a part of marriage, and sex outside of marriage as an immoral sin. These views aren't limited to religion, however.

Vulnerability issues

Sex for women is fundamentally different from men because men simply aren't as vulnerable during sex. They are usually bigger, faster, stronger and thus can control the situation if they want to. While a woman is subject to a man's whims in the worst of cases. so there is a level of vulnerability and rask-taking they engage in during sex and this is just physical.

From the mental and emotional perspective, there is vulnerability because they are expecting and relying upon affection and love from the other person. People, not just women, let their guards down and let people see the real them is sometimes uncomfortable because with this view comes the ability to inflict great pain. They'll know exactly what their partner's strengths and weaknesses are and how to hurt them in the deepest manner.

Developmental issues

Studies have found that many developmental issues and holdbacks from childhood still affect the sexuality of adult women. For example, how healthy or unhealthy their relationship with their parents it was was a great determing factor.

From the relationships above and early socialization, woman may have absorbed the insecuries of grown women and internalized them. For example, women who don't have a positive body image, or feel negatively about their own attractiveness, are found to have fewer orgasms when an orgasm occurs because they don't feel comfortable in their own skins and can't let go easily.

Trauma Issues

Trauma issues come into play more than you can realize. This presents a barrier to fulfilling sex and orgasms when memories of that past trauma keep people from opening up or experiencing an act.

Suppose that someone was raped. Any sexual experience is going to put her into a similar headspace and environment as the rape experience, so it's going to be something she avoids. Some people experienced trauma may slowly and subconsciously avoid the situations and eventually they may won't have had sex or an orgasm for years.

Control Issues

Control issues can be seen as similar to vulnerability issues. Often, people seize control so they don't have to be vulnerable.People of these kind usually keep themselves from sex as a means of keeping control and protecting themselves from others in both physical and emotional senses.

There are many barriers that prevent women from reaching orgasm, and they all apply to men as well to varying degrees, it might be a wonder that women can reach orgasm at all. But that is a testament to how trusting and secure human nature can sometimes be. The next time you try to help a woman (or yourself) reach orgasm, just remember that you aren't dealing with a physical roadblock. You may be battling years of socialization,expectations,misconceptions and lack of security and confidence.

Except for the issues - moral issues, vulnerability issues, developmental issues,trauma issues and control issues above related to women's orgasm, physical attractiveness,positive psychological traits,intelligence,sense of humor and masculine traits were also found to be correlated with stronger and more frequent orgasms. However, even though there is plenty of evidence and research to show most of the barriers. Indeed, the fact of animal attraction may rule supreme all over other issues.

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