As females are gentle beings of mother nature who are prone to feeling more sensitive than their male counterparts. While males believe in seeking the primary objective of love making, females look for something beyond sex. Female always believes in maintaining the connection with their male partners even after they've made love. Just simply rolling over to the other side of the bed, pulling over your blankets and resting your head on your favorite pillow to dive into a snore filled session of sleep will just alineate you from your partner. It is your duty as the male partner to keep your partner engaged and interested even after you two have had sex. Moreover, it is plain rude that you ignore your partner after their work is done.Maintaining the connection is the only way to achieve multiple orgasms. There are two specific ways to maintain the aid connection- Emotional and Physical.
Emotional Connection
You have to talk a lot under this. Despite the fact that you Buys talk a lot anyway, it is the post-sex stage where the male Partners need to talk to their female counterparts. Since you have just given your female partner the best pleasure in her life, follow it up with something more. Try to emotionally connect with her on a level that is not defined by anything physical. When you do that, the females realize that you are not in it just for the sex. They reach the conclusion that you care about them and sex is just one aspect of your relationship. Do not shy away from speaking your mind during the post-sex stage. You may not have much to talk about but try to think of matters that have always bugged you, or such things that you always wanted to tell them but never could. There are always such things in a relationship that go unsaid simply because of reasons of awkwardness and weirdness. However, if you open up about such matters during a time when both of you are completely naked to each other, the female realizes that you are being entirely honest to her.
Physical Connection
It is extremely vital that you do not detach yourself from your partner post sex, emotionally or physically. Under normal circumstances or more arousing ones, you may have held her close to you, caressing her breasts, but if you stop doing that right after sex, it sends a wrong message. It says that you care about her body only during sex and not when your male hormones are at the lowest. It indicates towards the fact that all the feelings you have towards her are hormonal and not emotional. Maintaining the physical connection is as important as maintaining an emotional one. You can always hold her hands and keep her head on your chest. This is a sign that says that you are there for her. Cuddling is the best way to express love. Make sure that you are indulging in a lot of cuddling with your woman. When you cuddle, it displays a good amount of affection even without involving any genitals. Keeping her close to your body, holding her hands, occasionally pecking at her cheeks and forehead, holding her by her love handle are just some more examples of how you could maintain the physical connection.
Sex does not stop with orgasm anyway. A good orgasm is not an orgasm- it's the possibility of multiple ones. When you make sure that the connections are maintained, you pave the automatic way for multiple orgasms. If your female partner is found sulking in bed after your first orgasm, chances are high that you may not get her to agree to more sessions of lovemaking. Multiple orgasms are rarely witnessed among couples as most of them ignore to maintain he aforementioned connection. If you truly want to make your female partner experience the best sex in her life, you must work on first building this connection and then maintaining the same. As long as you keep showing your woman that you are someone she can trust with her life, you stand more chances of making her happy throughout, thereby increasing your chances of unlocking the near impossible achievement of multiple orgasms.
Keep in mind that sex is not all about the pole entering the hole. It is something beyond that. It is the mutual existence of feelings of trust, compassion, affection and admiration. In order to heighten your chances of making your partner reach multiple orgasms, you must take all these factors into consideration. If you choose to ignore the said factors, your sex life is probably going to be restricted to one session a week, which is a sad figure. Your female partner needs to be handled with care and caution. Any snapping of the connection may lead to adverse effects on not just your sex life but also your partner’s mental well being.