Physically: we're supposed to feel wonderful together.
Emotionally: We're supposed to be able to laugh, have fun, and develop a deep friendship.
Spiritually: We're supposed to feel deeply intimate and like one.
We are going to start unpacking how we can increase the connection and the laughter during sex for the first week or so, and then we're going to look at specific strategies to make sex itself great.
Challenge for Her:
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the best), our sex life is:
Say this as a prayer, or just journal it if you're not religious:
I believe that sex was created to feel great physically, and chat I am supposed to have a sex drive, and supposed to feel aroused, even if I don't feel that way right now.
•I believe that sex was created to make me feel loved.
•I believe that sex was created to make me feel like one with my husband.
Challenge for Him:
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the best), our sex life is:
Say this as a prayer, or just journal it if you're not religious:
•I believe that sex was created to feel great physically not just for me but also for my v/ife And I believe that God wants me to help her achieve that!
•I believe that sex was created to make me feel loved and cherished.
•I believe that sex was created to make me feel like one with my wife.
Wrap-Up Together:
Share with each other how you each rated your sex lives. Remember that if you have big discrepancies this isn't a bad thing; you're launching into 31 days together where you're going to grow closer and learn more about making this area of your life great. It’s important to start by taking stock, but give each other grace, knowing that you both are aiming to grow. If you're both heading in the same direction and are committed to the same goal, it doesn't really matter if you don't start at the same place!
Now talk to each other about what a great sex life in each of these three areas would look like practically for you. What are you aiming for? What would you both like? You don't have to understand how you're going to get there yet. That will come! The important thing is that you see that this was the way it was meant to be-and it was meant to be that way for you, specifically, too.