The Cerebral Position to Get Physical

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 10031

Before even getting physical, it's important to help your women get into the right cerebral position (or mental position). Doing so maximizes your chances of getting the most out of the following sexual positions for helping her orgasm, every time. If her mind isn't where it should be, you increase the risk of her not getting where she wants to go-that much-coveted “O”.

One of the best ways to be in the best cerebral position is to encourage her to let her mind wander sexually. Tell her the gloves are off and that no thoughts are off limits. Assure her there isn’t a sexual thought too kinky to be taboo. By doing this, you make her very comfortable with you - and hornier too.

Appealing to her senses can also help her put her mind in the right sexual position. Pay close attention to your woman both in and out of the bedroom, particularly which scents, sounds and environments help turn her on. Aside from a musk-scented cologne that I mentioned earlier, take note of what scents she says she loves and puts her in the mood. Figure out too, if certain kinds of music and the ambience help turn her on. And don’t just know them - act on what you’ve discovered. Do your best to set the scene to prime her mentally for sex and climax.

Although in general, selflessness is a virture worth having, encouraging her to be selfish every now and then can work wonders to put her in the right sexual frame of mind. When she’s too worried about pleasing you, she tends to deprive herself of her own needs, which makes sweet love making not so sweet at all.

Lastly, help her focus. One of the best ways to do that is by timing your sexual moments thoughtfully. It’s going to be very difficult to get her in the right sexual frame of mind for an orgasm if you spontaneously grab her for a quickie, particularly if you time it on her lunch break on a really busy day! Put some careful thought and planning into the festivities and how you want them to unfold. Plan a sexy getaway on a weekend, so that there are minimal distractions and she can stay focused on experiencing the beautiful pleasures of making love with you.

Now that you’ve got her in the right sexual frame of mind, it’s time to get physical!

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