What’s Inside the Female Mind

Author Amber Cole From Make Her Scream: Last Longer, Come Harder, and Be The Best She's Ever Had 8 years ago 9773

There are countless differences between men and women.

As much as we'd all like to believe in the ideal of equality, there are biological limits to it. This isn't just limited to how we look, our physical capabilities, and how much muscle we can build. It also impacts our psychology in many areas of our lives. One such area is, of course, sex.

There are day-and-night differences between the male mind and the female mind as far as love and sex are concerned. Guys who want to understand women sexually have to wrap their minds around this. If you want to be a better lover or attend to the physical needs of your partner more effectively, you have to understand these differences. Understand the contents of this chapter and let it reflect in how you treat her.

The psychological impact as far as sex is concerned is greatly influenced by evolution. Males produce sperm. Sperm is produced by the millions every single day. Females produce eggs. Eggs, on the other hand, take a lot of energy to produce and females only produce a limited quantity of them and depending on how her reproductive system is functioning, they only produce one egg per month. The implication is very straightforward. Males need as many as sexual partners as possible because they have the sperm to service all those partners. The goal of the male is to impregnate as many women as possible. I'm talking about the evolutionary impact on the biology of the male human mind. This impacts male behavior. The more sex partners, the better because that's how they have been taught biologically. The female, on the other hand, spends all this energy producing one egg. She is looking for the top male and for quality males who would produce the best sperm to fertilize this one egg.

It's like an investment game. If you poured all of your life savings into one asset, you're going to be very, very careful where to invest that asset, how to grow that asset, and who to trust with that asset. On the other hand, if you produce tons of money every single day, you're more liberal with your money. You're more willing to spend it on anything that comes to mind. Males want to impregnate as many different women as possible. They don't really care who it is, as long as they get their seed out there. As you can already tell, there is going to be a clash between the female mind and the male mind as far as sexual reproduction is concerned. This is where love comes in.

Love is a filtering mechanism. The whole concept of love is that it binds people together in an emotional manner so that they protect each other. Love as a concept greatly favors females because if we are going to follow the male psychological model, there would be no need for love because the whole point of sex would be to have sex with as many partners as possible. This flies completely in the face of the concept of love. Love is all about two people, in the same place, providing support for each other. The females need this because of their one egg. The egg develops into a fetus which develops into a child. The child takes a long time to physically mature. All that time, that child would need food, shelter, and protection. This is where the male needs to be in the picture.

How do you keep them in the picture? The concept of love and loyalty. If you were just going to follow the psychological implications of the biological make-up of men, this wouldn't make any sense because it would be in his advantage to just spread his seed out there. But love exists, and love is our countervailing model against raw sex drive. The wake of society determines the proper ways to express desire and opening yourself up sexually, and is influenced by this interplay between the male sex drive and the female focus on love.

Don't get me wrong, women want sex. Sex is a key part of their psychology. However, it is in its proper context. It has to move within the orbit of the biological and psychological truths I just explained earlier. On the one hand, they can't just go with their sex drive because there is this built in biological impulse to be very selective regarding their sexual partner. On the other hand, they are also working with the societal and cultural factors that reinforce that selectivity. More traditional cultures say they shouldn't have sex until they get married. Some cultures even restrict that choice even further. The top factor that they are dealing with is the fact that they are swarmed by guys who just want to have sex.

So, this is the female mindset and how they navigate that is crucial to their development of a healthy attitude towards sex. You, on the other hand, looking at them from the outside, must understand how this process works ultimately, make it work to your favor.

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