Why Your Sex Life Need to Be Always Alive?

Author Sheila Wray Gregoire From 31 Days to Great Sex 7 years ago 14067

When the beauty of making love is stolen from you, it is so sad, and so barren. One of the telltale signs that something is from God is that something is alive. Life is from God. Being teeming with life is from God.

And so the opposite-death-is not from God. Think about this: when evil triumphs, it's not usually categorized by luscious trees or plants or beautiful things. It's Ugly. And even if it starts out beautiful, the ugliness takes over.

When the Mongols rampaged across Asia and the Middle East in the thirteenth century, they left behind them devastation - and desert. Many places that were not formerly deserts became deserts over the next few decades because the Mongols burned everything. And without plants, the land dried up. Destruction kills what was alive.

Or, if you're not a history buff, think about Lord of the Rings, and compare Mordor with the Shire. The Shire is alive; when Sauron took over Mordor, he made sure everything that was living died.

A phenomenon occured in 1989 when I visited East Berlin. West Berlin was beautiful, with trees, and parks, and art, and lovely buildings; East Berlin was Spartan. Everything was utilitarian. Joy was gone.

Evil doesn't just propagate evil, you see; it also tries to destroy that which is beautiful.

That's a picture of where many of us are today when it comes to sex. We feel dead. We're not excited about it. It doesn't grow our relationship; it eats away at it. So what's our response?

This story shows two things: one, those bones listened to Ezekiel's prophecy and joined together and grew. But second, they weren't fully alive until God breathed into them (I know I'm taking liberties with it here, but bear with me!)

So what does that mean for you?

1.Listen to the Truth

God wants you to be ALIVE. With God, life is teeming, abundant, lush, tropical, beautiful. If your sex life is not like that, then listen to the fact that this is how God wants it.

Then agree with God. You're not agreeing because you're experiencing it; you may very well not be experiencing much of anything. But agree with God that this is the way He meant it to be.

Agree with your spouse, the two of you together, that this is how God Wants it to be. And let me say a word to the spouse,whether it's the husband or wife, who has the low libido: you need to believe this, too. God does not want you this way. He did not design you this way. He wants your marriage to be alive and fun and passionate. If you feel inadequate, don’t shrug your shoulders and say, “Oh, well, there’s nothing I can do. That’s just the way I am." That is a cop out.

If you are severely overweight, you don’t just say, “that’s just the way I am.” You say, “I need to lose some weight, even if it's hard.” If you are consumed by nightmares because of things done to you in the past, you don't just say, “I guess I’ll never sleep again," you get help. And yet somehow, when it comes to sex, we seem content to say, “I guess this is just the way l am.”

No, it's not! God wants you to be fully alive and passionate. If you're not there, at least agree with God that this is His design.

2.Move Together to Make it Happen

Once you've agreed, you've got to actually take steps forward. Those bones started joining together Sinews were formed. So DO something! That may mean going back to the beginning of this scries and rereading some of the challenges. It may mean going over some of the more challenging ones and really putting your heart into it. Instead of balking and saying, “that's not for me”, it may mean admitting, “It scares me a little; it pushes me out of my comfort zone; but I know God wants me to experience passion, so I'm going to try.”

3.Let God In

But here's the final one, and really the most important one: You can agree with God all you want. You can try to get things going in the right direction. But ultimately you cannot do this by yourself. You can't WILL yourself to be passionate.

It is God who breathed life into those dry bones.

All of us need a breath from God today-even those of us who don't feel particularly bad about our sex life. All of us need more passion. And when we let God in, and feel closer to Him, and let Him work, we will feel so much more alive, both spiritually and sexually When we feel dry spiritually, often feel dry sexually. And the opposite is also true.

If you want to be fully alive and fully passionate, you need to be passionate at our God first, and let Him move. And that will have major ripple effects in the bedroom.

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