Avoid Women Treating Strangers, Service Personnel & People of Lower Social Status like Garbage

Author Bruce Bryans From Dating Deal Breakers That Drive Men Away 7 years ago 11010

This may seem like common sense, but it deserves to be mentioned just in case. Guys who are looking for a great girl to hopefully cultivate a serious relationship with will RUN at the slightest sign of meaness in a woman. If a woman has the habit of treating those of lesser station than herself like garbage, the only kinds of men she’ll attract will be guys who either treat others the same way or guys who don’t respect themselves enough to pass on such women.

Imagine this. You’re on your first or second date with a very attractive guy. He’s handsome, as a great career going, and seems very romantically interested in you. You’re out at a restaurant and the waiter accidently mixes up his order. And let’s say that this Prince Charming begins to insult the waiter, to his face, and berate him publicly. What would you think of him then? Would you continue to see him after such a spectacle? Or would you run for your life?

If you’re a reasonable person who believes that you’re worthy of being treated like a person, I’m sure you’d pass on an idiot like this. I mean, why wouldn’t you? The same applies for men, because quality guys don’t want to risk ending up with a woman who lacks the patience and empathy needed for cultivating a healthy, long-term relationship.

It’s easy to put on your best face and treat the person you’re interested in at the moment with warmth, kindness, and compassion because you want them to like you. But you can’t hide what’s inside. If your natural inclination is to treat persons of lower station,class or status with less compassion than you would those of a higher station, you need to develop a more mature paradigm towards human relationships.

It’s ture that we can’t give everyone the same level of honour and veneration, but we can give him or her the same level of humane kindness. Human compassion shouldn’t have any favourites. Think of it this way. If a homeless person said something derogatory to you how would you respond? How would you respond if your favourite actor said the exact same thing to you? Think about it.

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