A Woman Showing Insensitivity to or Indifference for His Dreams

Author Bruce Bryans From Dating Deal Breakers That Drive Men Away 7 years ago 14206

Being insensitive or indifferent to a man’s dreams is a major no-no, one that can cause your Mr. McDreamy to disappear off the face of the planet (at least to you) without so much as a goodbye, especially if you’ve only been dating for a very short while. The sooner you can prove to a man (one that has shown a serious interest in you obviously) that you want to become an indispensible part of his life’s journey, the quicker he’ll be able to see you as long-term girlfriend or even wife material.

Every man who has even an ounce of ambition is going to have a dream or worthwhile goal ingrained deep in his heart, one that he probably isn’t quick to share with others because of its deep importance to him. Men know that sharing their deepest drives, dreams, and desires with others is always a hit or miss. We know that whenever we do express our greatest dreams, most won’t understand, some will understand but disregard them entirely, and few will be supportive. If a man is especially ambitious, he’ll probably be a lot more hesitant to express the big visions that keep him at night as he dreams and toils in an attempt to make something wortwhile out of himself.

The mistake some women make in his regard is that they simply don’t know how to be supportive both in enthusiasm and in significant action. If you’ve been dating a guy for several weeks and he feels a strong enough connection with you to tell you that he wants to purchase his own Starbucks franchise someday, don’t simply logt it away in the back of your mind as if he said something inconsequential. Communicate your enthusiasm by asking him questions abou tthis aspiration of his and more importantly, at some point be sure to thank him for sharing his dreams with you. Being ambitious by nature, high-quality men actively pay attention to how a woman responds to the meaningful confession of their heart. If you act indifferently, a man like this will notice it, and I can guarantee you that he won’t forget it.

While we don’t expect the woman we are dating to simply uproot her life just to support a man blindly, we do expect her to show an active interest in making our dreams a reality. This could mean anything from something as small as a weekly reminder to follow up on a career changing job interview to something more time intensive like helping him search for an affordable college in your state. Again, I’m not saying you need to uproot your life or rework your entire schedule just to help him succeed, but even the smallest action or sacrifice you make to see him win in lif will register deeply in his heart. And keep in mind that the nature and level of support a man requires of you will obviously depend on the guy you’re dating and the size of his ambition.

If you find yourself dating a great guy, you can be sure that he wants to end up with a woman that understands him better than anyone else in this world. In the pursuit of our aspirations, we desperately want to be with a woman who can encourage us when we’re at our lowest, show us the light when we’re lost in darkness, and who can help us to appreciate the small victories we’ve made along the way when we got lost in our grand visions of the future. I know that for some women this may sound like a tall order, but believe me, these are the things that all men want to experience with a woman though few know how to express it.

Ideally, a man prefers when a woman wants to be supportive of him off of her own volition. No man wants to feel as if he has to beg, cajole, or strongarm a woman into supporting him. Doing so only saps his confidence and makes him second-guess his mate selection, even if only for a moment. The problem here is when the guy you’ve been dating begins to lose interest in you and he himself probably doesn’t understand why. And if he doesn’t understand why, he won’t be able to explain his sudden (or progressive) loss of interest.

In some cases, nothing may be inherently wrong with the relationship, but he knows on some level that he doesn’t feel that connected to you anymore. The reason for this loss of connection, in this instance at least, is because he feels neglected, not in a romantic sense, but in terms of the respect he feels from you. To a man, neglecting his dreams and aspirations communicates that you don’t respect his dreams and aspirations he’ll feel as if you don’t love him enough. Although some women tend to think men are incapable of true feelings, I can assure you that if a man feels unimportant to you, it won’t be long before he doesn’t feel anything for you.

That’s just the way it is. And unfortunately, this is one of those deep-rooted issues many men face, especially highly ambitious men that have high hopes and far-reaching aspirations.

Now, keep in mind that I’m saying this with the assumption that you’re dating a high-quality man who has demonstrated a consistent romantic interest in you. I’m also basing this point on the assumption that you can actually see yourself supporting the long-term aspirations of your Mr. Mc.Dreamy. If a man tells you that he wants to run for office someday but you simply can’t fathom the thought of dating and marrying a high-powered, future politician, that’s perfectly fine. Finding the right man has a lot to do with finding one with whom you share a high compatibility with. This means that if you cannot get excited about a man’s dreams, life goals, and aspirations, he may simply not be the right guy for you.

However, do keep in mind that there’s a clear difference between a lack of compatibility and having an apathetic attitude towards a man’s dreams. If you truly find yourself enthusiastically challenged and unable to show an active support after a man expresses his hopes and dreams with you, do both of you a favour and be honest about it. Don’t settle for a romantic situation that will eventually conflict with your hopes for the future. Everyman deserves to be with a highly supportive woman just as every woman deserves to be with a man whom she can encourage and support with sincere enthusiasm.

Also keep in mind that when I say to show an active interest in supporting him I’m not talking about trying to be a man’s saviour. The operative word here is “supportive”, meaning that you’ve taken an interest in assisting him in a area where he has shown some initiative. If a man is not proactive about making his own dreams a reality, it’s not wise to exert your time and energy trying to support him. If you do, you’ll soon find that you’re actually no longer supporting him...you’re leading him.

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