How Does Attraction Work between Men and Women?

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 7 years ago 10306

In this passage, you are about to learn all you must know about attraction. Of course, I can't define exactly what women feel in regards to a man. Since I am not a woman. However based on my years of experience, studying and analyzing myself and other men. I have seen plenty of similarities in qualities and habits among men who are good with women. On the contrary, I alsa have seen a lot of commonalities among the ones who aren't doing so hot.

It is important for you to understand what works and what doesn't with women. Only by doing so, you are able to more easily stop doing the things that destroy your attractiveness levels.

But what is attraction to start out? perhaps one of the most puzzling topics for most men. Since most guys have a bunch of misconceptions and tend to overcomplicate it.

However the feeling of attraction is very natural and instinctive. Not something we really have any control over.

I guess most of the times when you see a beautiful woman you nearly instantly feel attracted to her without thinking twice. For me this feeling varies its intensity. I would say it reaches its maximum point when I lock eye contact with a girl and there is a connection. Or better saying, we are both attracted to one another.

In these moments, I may sense an intense and pleasant warm feeling coming from my crotch and going upwards to my chest. Like something is burning inside of me. I don't exactly have any particular thought. It is simply me and her, and all my surroundings seem to disappear for a few brief seconds. I also feel a very strong desire to be more intimate with her.

And this is the best way I can describe it. Either you experience something similar or a bit differently, it doesn't really matter. Just know what you are experiencing is the feeling of attraction for a particular girl.

Besides, this feeling of attraction is one of the most powerful feelings we have as human beings. It often forces men and women to go out of their way to meet each other.

The reason why humans feel attracted to one another is because it draws us together so we may later reproduce. Otherwise, humans would be extinct by now.

I know this may sound very analytical and perhaps even cold. But for what other reason would we feel attracted to one another if not to bond, have babies and continue the human species? There is really no other reason!

A lot of people like to talk about love at first sight, in particularly women, and some movies make this seem as banal as eating popcorn while you watch them. However, I don't really believe in that. I consider this to be a very intense connection.

Where you both look at each other and feel strongly attracted, of course as you both get more intimate then eventually you may fall in love with one another.

The other part is you either feel attracted to a girl or not. If you don't then there is very little she can do to change your mind for instance:

One night I went out with my buddies to a night club. I was dancing, sipping from my glass of gin tonic, and having a good time. Eventually, an ugly and chubby (not to say worse) girl positions right to my side. I immediately knew she was there for only one reason, she wanted to meet me.

I simply didn't feel attracted to her. So I made no effort to start a conversation. Actually, I made an effort to not even look at her. Afraid that would probably give her unrealistic ideas.

As time passed, I noticed she was getting frustrated by my lack of initiative. When I emptied my glass I guess she saw it as a good way to start a conversation. All sudden, she turns to me in a clumsy way, probably from being a bit drunk, and offers a drink.

I knew if I accepted then probably it would give her context for more. So I politely refused and walked away.

This situation looks similar to how many guys approach women in nightclubs. Do you think if she said otherwise a funny pick-line it would have many a difference?

Absolutely not! Because I wasn't into her and nothing she could have possibly done or said would have changed my opinion. If I don't find a girl at least slightly attractive then it's game over.

And certainly it is the same thing for any other guy out there with some standards. Because of course some guys will nearly have sex with any woman. But why do men think it is any differently with women?

Why do they think if they only have the right pick-line, strategy or whatever they can somehow miraculously change a woman's opinion about them? It doesn't make sense!

If a girl looks at you and she doesn't find you minimally attractive then no smart pick-up line, or pheromone perfume or other crazy stunt will change her mind. It is just useless, you are rather wasting your time! You are better off talking to another girl who really likes you.

The only reason why pick-up lines or any other thing works is because a girl is already into you. However if a girl already likes you then why do you need these gimmicks? You obviously don't!

And this is why some guys see another guy from afar approaching a girl and saying the most outrageous line ever and still succeeding. They don't realize this girl was already attracted to him before he even opened his mouth. It had very little to do with what he said.

He could have just been, "Hi, my name is John” or “Hi, what's your name?” and he would still have good results.

However since most men don't really understand this. Instead they think, "Damn... this line is amazing!” So they soon head to the seduction forum and excitedly share their newest pick-up line with others. And after a week, you already have hundreds of guys storming the streets, clubs and what not. Saying the same exact line to every woman they meet.

But in this case, mostly getting rejected by women and then they wonder why their amazing line doesn't work. Easy!

1.Women aren't attracted to them.

2.Their line isn't congruent with them. So they end up looking fake and even mote insecure.

3.Their intentions are commonly to impress women.

I mean the line was congruent with the guy who first said it therefore, he seemed natural and confident. Also his intentions were certainly very different. He most likely wasn't giving a fuck and was just looking to have a good time. The other part is he said it to a girl who already was attracted to him.

So now you know...

●Both men and women feel attracted to one another. It naturally happens to bring us together and later reproduce

●Neither men nor women choose to who they feel attracted. You are either into a woman or not. If not, then there is nothing she can do to change your mind, and vice-versa.

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