Will You Try These 3 Easy Confidence Building Exercises?

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 7 years ago 11553

Since confidence is so great a critera for a man to atrract a woman or a woman to allure a man, it is undoubtedly quite so important and worthwhile for every man and woman to build confidence of his or her own. Hereby in this passage, 3 tips are provided for you to quickly start to build your confidence levels. Of course there are more other things you can do but these 3 confidence building exercises quite easy for you to try? What are you hesitating for?

1. Share Your Thoughts

If you are in the middle of a group of people and have something to share then open your mouth. If you don't agree with something someone is saying then you disagree. If a girl says something stupid then say so.

If a woman or man demands you to do something you don’t like then don’t do it. Or someone is constantly criticising your then call on their shit.

But never keep your thoughts for yourself and do or say things trying to please everyone around you. It’s no way to live!

This commonly results on you getting fed up. Until one day all hell breaks loose and you explode and start tearing shit apart.

2. Initiate Conversations With Strangers

If you want to easily meet a lot of people wherever you go then don't expect others to initiate conversations with you. You should be the one starting them. Usually when you go to some place for the first time, most people there will not be very open to meet newcomers, they will often only talk to the few others they already know.

For this reason, they rarely will strike up a conversation with you so you have to. If you don’t, then eventually you will start feeling a bit uncomfortable being there left alone staring at others chatting.

In case you go to a gym or another place then you may find it easier first initiating conversations with guys then with girls.

At times and especially in the beginning you may feel a strong mental blockage right before you decide to open your mouth. Probably, a small voice or feeling trying to stop you. You should simply ignore it. This is social anxiety and I will go more in detail next. Anyway, the more you practice approaching strangers the easier it will become.

It is important for you to do this consistently until it becomes a habit. Sooner or later, you will do it without even noticing it.

3. Go To Places That Make You Feel Uncomfortable

Just go out and experience something by yourself for instance:

1) Going to a nightclub or bar

2) Trying dance classes

3) Traveling

4) Doing Yoga

Don’t worry if in your first times you feel like shit, it’s normal. You may experience a combination of strong negative emotions, body feeling uptight, dizziness, not being able to speak and maintain eye contact. This depends on your level of social anxiety.

As you continue these 3 confidence building exercises, you will gain more experiences and will become milder and easier to deal with different social communicating skills. In return, you will feel more confident and independent.

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