It is a fact that the first message you text her is of great importance. So how to do with the first message to her and what to say? This is a tricky subject. Some sources claim that texting is entirely inappropriate and that calling or asking in person is the only appropriate method. But the fact is that texting in order to ask for a date can be acceptable when it comes to certain scenarios and situations. You shouldn’t ever send her a text because you're afraid or intimidated at the prospect of calling her. Essentially, you should always go with what you think she would appreciate, based on her personality, age, and your own judgment about who she is. When it comes to being a true, masculine and respectable gentleman, you are trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible.
For those of you who hate the idea of asking someone out on a date over a text message, you might reconsider this if you realize that this is a chance to let her know you liked meeting her and ask her if you can call later on. This method will reintroduce the original rapport you felt that allowed you to secure her phone number in the first place and lets her know to expect you to call her. In this day and age, phone calls are very unexpected since most people text, and they can be a bit jarring. This allows her to plan out the way she wants to respond to you and know to be ready for your incoming call. This is effective, easy, and smart to do. Whether you decide to directly text her asking for a date or simply want to let her know you’re calling her later, does it matter how you say it and what you say?
Many guys certainly want to know why the first message to women is so important. Daters in our modern day world usually make two major impressions on people they are interested in as a love prospect. First, you’re crafting the impression of meeting and getting each other’s numbers. Secondly, you are creating another impression when you first send her a text message. In a certain sense, this message you send is your way of introducing you to her again.
Perhaps you only met her casually, or perhaps the conversation you guys had at a bar the night before is not very clear in her mind. Perhaps she isn’t certain how she feels about you, and that first text message you send is going to decide her for good. Are you going to mess it up or deepen the chances and spark that might already exist between the two of you?
Some guys may be tempted to say that the framing and context of that first message isn't all that important, and if the lady likes you, she will be positive in her answer no matter what. But that’s just not true. In fact, research has proven that even the tiniest change in what a guy decides to text to the woman can determine how much success they will have dating in person. Just one simple text message can shift the entire focus and dynamic between them. This is not intended to make you nervous, only to put things into perspective for you.
It is a great course to learn in how to send her the first message and let her have interest in you. So we will learn how to do it later.