What a better way to start the day than receiving a lovely, good morning sms message? But there is something even better-sending good morning love text messages to the one you love! Here are several great sms messages to send to your loved one in the morning when you are apart or even when you are together.
*I know just how a perfect day should begin... with this message on your mobile! Good morning sweetheart, have a wonderful day!
*I had my coffee... I
read the newspaper... but something was still missing... and I realized I miss
your cute yawn when you wake up =) Good morning darling!
*I am thinking of
you and I wish you a great day =)
*I had this dream last night... the sun
peaked in the room... and saw you in my arms... =) Good morning
*Wish I could make you breakfast in bed this morning... but
instead I'm sending you a cup of hot kisses, a plate of warm hugs and a spoon
full of smiles:) Good morning my dear, wishing you a fabulous day!
*lt’s a
new day and nobody knows what it will bring us... Wait! I know! More love and
happiness together =) Good morning my love, have a great day!
* The only
reason I love waking up so early is that I’ll have more time to think of you =)
Good morning!
*Anyone can slay a dragon, but try waking up every morning and
loving the word all over again... I do that only because of you! Love you and
wish you a wonderful day!
*I know it's too early but... do me a favor... Look
at the sun and you'll see me smiling and feel the love I have for you... Good
morning my dear, have a fabulous dayl =)
*Here is a kiss to brighten up your
day! Thinking of you already...=)
*Wake up you sleepy headl It's time to hug
me and wish me good morning =)
*I watched the sunrise today... It was nothing
compared to you! Good morning my love, wish you a day full of happy thoughts
about me =)
morning and loving the word all over again... I do that only
because of you! Love you and wish you a wonderful day!
*I know it's too early
but... do me a favor... Look at the sun and you'll see me smiling and feel the
love I have for you... Good morning my dear, have a fabulous day!=)
*Here is
a kiss to brighten up your day! Thinking of you already.=)
*Wake up you
sleepy head! It’s time to hug me and wish me good morning =)
*I watched the
sunrise today... It was nothing compared to you! Good morning my love, wish you
a day full of happy thoughts about me =)