How to Choose the Right Pictures for Your Online Dating Profile?

Author Bui Guru From Attract To Beehive- Effective Strategies To Get A Girl Out On A Date 7 years ago 9618

Women five-thousand-year-old mind are pre-programmed to find a man attractive who is a leader, decisive, resourceful, knows how to hunt, bring back food, who are not afraid to fight enemies from other tribes to protect his family. The looks and appearance are just an added bonus. The mistake most guys make including me when starting out to not care so much about the looks because we learned from offline gaming looks is not so important, but it's your behavioral cues that matters We consistently found evidence that looks didn't matter you see your not so good looking friends you went out with were getting laid with some hot girls after starting to go out chatting up women for a while and learning how to game. Don't make this mistake understand that girls do judge your looks in online dating just like people say don't judge book by their cover but in reality, people do judge book by their cover. That’s the reality of online dating good looking people are always favoured.

Have you got a friend who is into photography? Great if not consider getting a professional photos taken if you are serious about your success. Even a slight alter in light can make you look more attractive so use every chance to add the stack deck in your favor. First thing girl is going to look at is your face. It is worth investing in your photos as this plays a huge part in your online dating success. Always pick quality over quantity. Remember women do judge your look on online dating It’s also worth to keep in mind that girls will assume that you don't look like in your best photo because girls themselves only put photos that make them look significantly more attractive so she'll judge you on your worst photo Here are important things you need to remember while you have your picture taken:

•Don't look directly into the camera in all your photo. Make it seem like you are looking some-where and someone snapped a picture of you.

•Photo of you outdoors and you immersed in your favorite Hobbies e.g doing extreme sports, travelling, painting, etc. which shows part of your personality.

•Where you are with your friends hanging out, it gives social proof.

•Avoid selfie from your room mirror or your bathroom. Humungous no no. It’s unbelievable how many guys do this. Guys might think you look so cool showing your six pack on their cubicle, but it just seems to look try hard, and I’m sure you don’t want to be one.

•This is a bonus. Take picture surrounded by a hot girls. Shows the girl reading your profile that other women desire you. This shows women that you are desirable.

Focus on your strength. For example, if you have a good looking face focus on your face. If you are not in a good phys-ical shape don't focus on your body and so forth.

Don't just include one photo of you which says that you seem doggy and don't put too many pictures of yourself like 15. If you have doubt if it's a right photo or not then proba-bly it's not the image you want to include in your profile. For your photos always remember quality over quantity.


1.Pickyour three to six of your best pictures and add it to your profile.

2.Show your selected photos to your friends. What do they think of it?

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