Mistakes You May Make Resulting His Leaving You (2)

Author Gregg Michaelsen From To Date a Man, You must Understand a Man 7 years ago 13949

Some mistakes women made in a relationship may easily lead to a broken-up. The following are mistakes women often make in dealing with relationships:

Mistake #1: You hold him in contempt

This is an interesting one and it needs to be discussed. Many women have been burned so many times they are just plain bitter toward the men they meet.

They break out the checklist:

He’s too smooth with the lines.

He dresses way too nice, he must be a PUA.

He dresses like a slob, he’s broke.

He’s older, he must be married.

He’s younger, he isn’t mature.

If a man passes these first tests, he is subjected to more torture. The next checklist, about kids and our future together, gets inserted before the second date. You are thinking you won’t waste your time on an emotionally unavailable guy again, so lets just get to the point so you don’t waste your time. The problem is you don't give men the time to express themselves about what they want and need.

Men will pick up on this contempt vibe you are sending out and it is not attractive. Men have feelers too, and they know almost immediately you are bitter towards men. This tells a man you have been rejected and he will start wondering why, and what is wrong with you.

Men don’t necessarily want to hurt you. They are like you, trying to figure out love and what makes them happy. Often, both your past relationships and his get in the way.

I have the solution to your contempt problem. I have the right checklist so you won't waste your time, but he will not be aware of it. Hint: By pushing him toward scheduling a day date with you, you lose a lot of the PUA's out there. More on that later.

Mistake #2: You made him your hobby

This applies to a lot of women who are in a relationship. Women tend to drop all their ambitions and their friends and instead concentrate all their energy on a man.

No, no and no! Challenge dies, pursuit increases and contempt builds. The good news is this is so easy to fix! Never make a man your hobby. Instead, join in his hobbies, pursue your own and always keep a social network outside of his!

This is one of the most common and most preventable mistakes I see. This kills the challenge and forces men into places you don’t intend. Men don’t know how to discuss this with you, "Honey, will you go find some friends or hobbies to do without me?” Yeah, that will go over well! Your conveyer belt says love and nurture but you must fight this with a man.

Mistake #3: You gave him sex too soon

Define what you must have in a man. Decide how you must be treated by a man. Once this man proves to you, through multiple actions, he is treating you the way you want to be treated, then, and only then, do you have sex with him. Actions, not words. Not, “I love you.” Anyone can say these words, but few can follow through. Don’t tell me you are worried about losing him if you delay sex. Are you kidding me? If you lose him because you didn't have sex, then he just wanted you for sex!! That is such a pitiful statement. You are a woman of worth, not a sex toy. Don't let a guy prey on your emotions.Time is not the deciding factor when it comes to sex. Proof by actions is.

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