Way to stand out from the crowd is first to know what kind of girl you want to date. I'd suggest you write down on a piece of paper about the values you want in a girl; qualities etc. Write down as much as possible i.e. you like girls who are extroverted or more of an introverted type, girls who are more spontaneous or girls likes to plan, etc. You are going to alienate some girls, but more specific to what you want demonstrates good qualities about you that you are not needy or desperate, say what you want to and not a people pleaser.
Go Online and read guys profile majority of them are coming from a selling frame, i.e., I did this, I have a Ph.D. in this..., I drive Mercedes, etc. Where you are saying to a girl “You are the prize and I need your validation". You want to be coming from a buying frame. When you are in a buying frame you already know that you are awesome, have the confidence, and you don't need to tell a girl I did this, and I did that a girl has to work for it to get your approval. If you think about it, you may have met guys like who are always bragging about this particular woman he slept with every time they get a chance are the ones usually who does not get laid much. If you were getting laid every week or every day you already have the skills, you wouldn't always be out there talking about girls you’ve hooked up with every opportunity you get. You might be thinking how she knows I am that cool guy, and the way to do this is to demonstrate. One of the ways is through pictures As you know, the picture says thousands of words Instead of saying you like traveling upload a cool picture you while you were traveling with a stunning background. Instead of saying you like a music show her picture of you playing in the gig.
The second way to stand out is by not just putting all your great qualities but also something that pushes a girl away. It might sound counterintuitive but works most often than you think because it Tells a girl that you are not desperate and you are not here to please everybody. For example “I am the guy your mother warned you about” or "an avid reader kind of a nerd with commitment issues."
The third way is by listing what you want from a girl rather than saying why you are so awesome and why she should see you. Say something like ''this are the qualities I look for in a “girl list”, write it down:
What a great public speaker usually does is whenever they feel that that your audience is starting on their phone or not paying much attention. They say to their audience "all right guys I am going to tell you a story." Almost nine out ten people will pay closer attention. Same applies to online dating tell girls a short story about you but here is the kicker don't finish it. Make them wonder, get them intrigued It's all fun and games Use language that is engaging and that grabs attention.
The biggest secret with online dating is always put yourself in other person shoes What is going inside the girls head? You need to be aware of how many messages a girl might be getting per day. One of the common trend is most girls are up to date with the media what's happening within the celebrity circle who's dating who and have watched movies at some point in their life so it could be a good idea to include it in your profile so that you seem more socially aware. You could use phrases from the movies, and sometimes I modify it. When you are gaming girls it would be day game or night game make a note of phrases that is working or has worked in from the past here are some examples:
▲“This is a war room. Ladies, you can’t fight in here!”
▲“I may not go down in history, but I will go down on you.”
▲ “You need directions? Well first you gotta take this D-tour.“
Demonstrate you are a man of value and that you don't just settle down with any girl. You live in a planet abundent women, you are not desperate and show that you can be a little picky. Here I am going to say something counter-intuitive, havt an asshole vibe Okay, you may be saying why or what does that rally mean and answer is simply if you want to get different results you have to do things differently it's like Einstein said: 'Insanity is doing same things and expecting different results'. Asshole vibe is not about offending other people, but it’s about showing you are bad ass. By BAD ASS it means you have boundaries, you don't take Bs from other people, you have values, you express your emotions fully you are fully yourself and don't fake it, you are the real deal. It’s okay to say something like 'If you don’t read books, don’t bother messaging me." or “If you are overweight, drop the fork and get lost." Now who says this? not many guys. You are not coming across approval seeking, desperate, needy and you know what you want and don't make women priority of your life (which David Deida talks about in this book the way to superior man; awesome book! a must-read!). This demonstrates to her that you value a woman who looks after their health. Be specific on what you want to a girl and she will respect you for it.
Girls will not admit it, but you may have seen it in your real life particularly hot women loves to dis other women would not mind so much. Don't know how to say it without sounding like a dick that women who are not so hot but think they are good looking are often the ones who find this offensive beacause of insecurity If you are not getting occasional negative responses, you are doing something wrong which might sound odd. If this happens, you have work to do making your profile more polarizing and attention grabbing.
Look at your profile as a work in progress it is not going to be perfect the first time especially if this is the first time you are dating online. There is no black or white see what's working at then adapt. You know it's working if you are getting positive responses from girls that you are interested in, and they reply and show interest even if you just message them a wink.
1.Take 5-10 minutes to write all the qualities/values you want in a girl you want to date. Be as accurate you want to be.
2.Looking back at your life. What is it that strangers and your enemies complimented you on in the past e.g. that you are really good at playing guitar or you're really great at maths. This is usually your strength. Write about your strength in your profile.
3.Show your profile to your female friend. What does she think of it? (if she does not think your profile is a bit polarizing and to certain extent offensive then you got more work to do)