Profile picture and User Name
Your profile picture says a lot about you. Many dating websites will show only your profile photo to new users, anonymous visitors and free subscribers, so make it worth their while. Maybe your picture will convince a new visitor to create an account and you'll end up being another online dating success story.
Full body photos are more genuine than photos that show only your face. Even if you think you're too fat for someone to pick you or too skinny for most men's taste. “The One” will not mind your appearance and will choose you for completely other reasons. A full body photo will not scare off your admirers. However, it may attract the right ones for the real you. Keep in mind that if everything goes well, you will end up on a date with your fancier side, and she or will see the real you.
That is why you should also use current photos. Photos you when you were in your 20 will not do you justice, at least not for the long haul. Avoid using photos you are not in altogether (i.e. a sunset photo, photo of your pet, etc.), because single people who are looKing for a serious thing might think of you as a spam account. If you want to stay anonymous and don't really want your name all across the internet, you can use a pet name, nickname or alias. Still, if you are contacting someone, you should always introduce yourself with your real name.
Never a fake profile!
It's pointless to use a fake profile on dating sites. There's no reason why you shouldn't open yourself to this new experience. It will broaden your horizons and open a door to a completely new world. A world where you can be free to be yourself and express yourself. This is the primary advantage and convenience of cyberspace. You are not judged in person, so you can avoid confrontation with just a click. If you don’t like someone or someone you don’t like bothers you, you don't need to explain anything to anyone. You can just delete or block them.
Fake profiles don't last long on dating websites. Sooner or later, someone will report you and you may never be able to get in touch with someone who can be your true love. The internet is a smart instrument. Some sites will remember your IP address or location and you won't be able to create another account regardless of how many different emails you use.
First Move and Killer Message (with the Killer Subject Line)
When you come across someone you like, you need to take the first step. Men usually think that they can be more aggressive online because site is created for finding a date, but that's actually wrong When you find someone you like, don't overload their inbox with emails and don't like every photo they have posted. When starting, do the bare minimum and wait for a couple of days. You can like one of their photos and leave it at that. That way they won’t think you are desperate or in a hurry, and won’t take you for a stalker. When you contact them after a couple of days, you will seem like a candid person, who's looking for friendship at least and an unforgettable romance at best.
The first message should be short, grammatically correct and to the point. One paragraph of 3 to 6 sentences is enough, more than that, is just an introduction to your unpublished novel.
Use a catchy subject line, to make your message stand out. You can say something like “you might want to know ...”The person will be compelled to open it because they will think -'know what?' This subject line will get your email opened. Avoid using the netspeak we usually use with our friends, like u for you, ur for you're, and others. After a while, you might throw in a lol or jk, if you use these internet slangs in your usual conversations.
Heavy compliments are off the table too, especially: hot, sexy, gorgeous, cute, etc. Reserve these for the ones you know personally. "You won’t make any difference in anybody's life by pointing these things out, you may sound creepy and distasteful. You can actually use some of the interests listed in their profile as a conversation starter. Don't make it long and boring, just let the user know that you actually paid attention to the things they like. Here, you can pay them a compliment, since it’s not about their physical appearance. You can say they have a great taste, that you are curious to know more about such an interesting person, or something similar. And no circumstance justifies sending emotions as a first message. This only shows you are lazy, lame and unproductive.