Kissing on Neck, Ear and Hands

Author Taylor D'Aotino From Kissing 7 years ago 12149

Despite what the written above, many men also enjoy having their neck kissed, so if you’re a woman, give your man some attention there and see how enthusiastically he responds.


Cover your partners neck with little trails of kisses, licks and nips. It doesn't matter how you move about — go straight up and down the length of the neck, or start at the sensitive area just under the earlobe and make a kiss, to positively responds your partner as contact of intensity the increase only and gently out start so sensitive very is neck skin The circular random and around move just or side, other across you kisses.


A few sensitive places around the neck to consider focusing some of those kisses on include:


• That little hollowed dimple at the base of the neck (between the collar bones) can be kissed or fondled with your tongue to great effect.


• A move recommended by relationship author Olivia St. Claire is to kiss, lick and/or nibble an area she calls the "N"spot —that's the highly sensitive crease that runs between the chin and Adam's apple. Once you have reached that far up the neck an obvious move from there is to leave a trail of kisses over the chin and back up to your partner’s waiting lips.


• A place that generally receives little or no attention is the Adam’s apple itself — consider surprising your man with some soft kisses there.


•Finally, if we wanted to determine which of the bodys erotically charged locations is most often neglected, a very likely candidate would be the back of the neck —it's easy to underestimate how sensitive this area is,but romantic contact here is highly pleasurable to most people. From a position behind your partner, lift up the hair at the base of their neck and move in close so that they can feel your warm breath on their scalp and neck — this gives your partner a chance to tingle with anticipation just before you lean in to kiss and nibble the spot.


The Ears

Lovers have been drawn to their partner's ears for as long as anyone know. There's that silly-cute-sexy outer flap with all its little curves and folds that seem custom made for exploration; and the complex mystery of the inner ear, able to receive and make sense of the whispered endearments carried in on our warm breath. Why wouldn't we want to bring our lips to this marvelously complex part of our sweetheart's body? Unfortunately, there may actually be a good reason to resist the urge. When it comes to kissing the ears the news is not all good.


Recently, Dr. Levi A. Reiter (Professor of Audiology at Hofs- tra University) has published case studies of several people who have had their hearing damaged by ear kisses. In one in-stance, after an innocent kiss on the ear from her four year old daughter, a woman experienced decreased hearing, increased sensitivity to loud sounds, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). After running tests, the doctor concluded that it wasn't the loudness of the kiss over the ear that lead to the symptoms (as had been suspected), but the effect of suction on the delicate inner workings of the ear. During the kiss, one of the small bones in the woman's ear that transmits sound had been pulled out of place. After the media brought attention to what has become known as Reiter's Ear Kiss Syndrome (REKS), other patients and audiologists began coming forward with similar stories of hearing loss seemingly caused by kisses to the ears.


At the time that this is being written, Dr. Reiter is carrying out further studies to determine the full extent of the problem, but that work isn't yet completed. What should you do in the meantime? Nobody knows how common these injuries are. They may be extremely rare, or they may occur more frequently than anyone has realized up to now. All the answers aren't in yet. What is clear is that there is some risk, no matter how slight, and for those who are unfortunate enough to have their fragile inner ear injured, the damage can permanently affect their ability to hear.Certainly, the safest choice would be to simply avoid kissing your partner's ears — which, by the way, is what Dr Reiter recommends.


Although many people won't find it difficult to give up ear kisses — not everyone likes them, especially close to the ear canal — there are some people, however, who do find having their ears kissed an intimate, highly pleasurable experience. If you and your partner fall into the latter category and decide that avoiding all oral stimulation of the ears is an overreaction to what is known so far, you might want to at least adopt a more cautious kissing style around the ears. It's probably an especially good idea to avoid the entrance to the ear canal, the tunnel to all those fragile parts that allow us to hear. Put another way, you may be able to reduce the risk of injury by confining all kissing, nibbling, blowing or licking to the outer rim of the ear flap.


If you decide to err on the side of caution by avoiding ear kisses altogether, but hate the idea of treating the ears as a no man's (or woman's) land, keep in mind that the mouth isn't the only way to express physical affection for your partners friendly little ear flaps. As long as you keep your fingers out of the ear canal, touch with the hands is a safe option. Although this isn't a book about massage techniques, for this one location on the body suggest a simple, but effective ear message as an alternative to kissing, by lightly holding your partners earlobe between your thumb and index finger. Then, to massage the lobe, gently move your thumb and finger in small circles. Conttinue sliding your thumb and index finger back and forth as you slowly work your way up the outer rim of the ear until you have reached the top.


Why is this simple move effective? As professional massage therapists know, the outer edge of the ear flap has numerous pressure points that, when massaged, release endorphins in the brain. A feel good hormone, endorphins are the source of that blissfully warm glow we feel when having sex, eating chocolate, meditating or laughing. You can try out this move on your own ears, to get a feel for how much pressure to use and to experience the mood-enhancing effect for yourself.


The Hands

In the traditional hand kiss, the woman extends her hand as the man takes it in his and bends deeply to kiss the back of it (in this tradition-bound kiss, inevitably it's the man who does the kissing), it's a gesture that comes from a more formal, chivalrous age, and except in some rarefied, upper-crust circles, it has gone largely out of fashion, along with noblemen laying their coats across a puddle so that lady doesn't get her shoes muddied.


If the mood is right for a more sensual kiss, achieving that is as simple as turning your partner's hand over and focusing your kisses on the underside, which feels far more intimate than kisses to the top of the hand. This entire area — with its delicate wrist, warm, fleshy palm, and soft finger pads — is often overlooked when kissing and that's too bad.Not only does it feel very nice to have these spots kissed, but the experience offers another pleasure that's almost unique to the hands. Because they extend out from the body, the hands are perhaps the easiest place to observe your partner while in the act of kissing you, with the action neither too close to your face nor blocked from your view.This means that you can enjoy the feeling of your partner's lips on sensitive skin and at the same moment watch comfortably as they lavish this loving attention on you — an experience that can be both highly erotic and emotionally satisfying when kissing your partners wrist and palm you can vary the level of intimacy by the type of kiss you give. As is true with kisses in general, hand kisses that use the relatively dry outer part of the lips will feel more subtle and romantic. When you want to up the eroticism, bring the tongue and warm, moist inner part of the lips and mouth into play.


Because the hands are at the end of a long, tapered appendage, it feels natural to start kissing, licking or nibbling the arm and work your way down in a straight line to the fingers, but it can be just as effective to move about more randomly, letting the mutual pleasure of the moment lead you spontaneously to the next kiss.


When you reach the end of your partner's fingers, one of the most charming things you can do is to delicately kiss the tip of each one — if you want to add to the romance, finish by kissing their palm then fold their fingers over the spot you just kissed as if placing your affection in their safe keeping.


If you want a steamier moment, try sucking your partners index or middle finger, letting it slide in and out of your mouth seductively. At the base of the fingers, another sexy rnove many people swear by is running the tongue back and forth across the slight webbing that stretches between the fingers.


The Rest of the Body

The list above is hardly comprehensive, but we'll end our review of the body's kissable places here. Plenty of excellent books focus on the areas that we have left buttoned up. Of course, those books are intended for mature readers exclusively, and the best of them provide excellent information on more explicit foreplay. For anyone who's reading this book, and who may be young or have limited experience, waiting until you're ready and with the right person before you move beyond the activities described in this book can make all the difference.


As you evaluate your own situation, it's worth remembering that, for many people, including many who have a lot of experience with sex, kissing as described in this book remains their favorite intimate activity and the most profound physical connection they feel with another person. In other words, even if you decide that it will be a while before you're ready for full social contact, through kissing you still have a powerful way of experiencing intimacy and pleasure with another person.

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