Women enjoy variety in kissing, and the mouth can be extremely sensuous. Hereby three types of kissing are introduced: butterfly kisses, gently sucking, warm and connecting kisses, deeping kissing.
Butterfly kisses. Lightly kiss all over her face and body keeping lips soft and gentle. Kiss her eyelids, behind her ear her neck, between her breasts, and all over her stomach and thighs. Be light and teasing, like a butterfly flitting about.
Gently sucking. Practice this kiss by taking your fingerti and placing it between your lips and lightly touch you tongue to tbe fingertip—now pull your finger out of your mouth with a gentle sucking motion. Try this on your wife’s nipple, her fingers or toes, her neck, or her lower lip.
Warm, connecting kisses. Plant a warm, juicy kiss on your wife’s cheek or forehead as you walk by. It is almost like the family kiss that communicates greeting, love, and “you're my special person” It lets her know you enjoy her companionship and not just the sexual relationship. Hugging her, rubbing her shoulders or feet, and holding her hand in pub-lic convey this idea in warm and emotionally connecting ways, too.
Deep kissing. There is something passionate and intimate about sharing mouths and tongues. Here, as in all of sex, good hygiene applies. Bad breath is out. Brush your teeth before you go to bed. Don’t fill her mouth with your tongue or shove it down her throat. Long, exciting kisses where you have to come up for breath should vary between playful tongue contact (don’t immediately go beyond her teeth), warm and easy nibbling of her lower lip or earlobe, and deep, passionate sharing of tongues and souls. Breathe heavy and allow yourself to become aroused as you make kissing a drawn-out affair.
Practice long hugs, also. It is amazing, at first, how long a thirty-second hug can seem when compared to an ordinary mg. You will be pleasantly surprised how bonding they will become. The dutiful hug or quick peck on the cheek does not accomplish what a longer hug or kiss will for creating the feelings of being in love.