What Is Your Niche?

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 7 years ago 10739

A niche is basically the group of attractive women you want to date. After you know this, then it is a lot easier to make yourself more attractive to them.The stronger your character becomes, the wider range of attractive women you will find.

I guess if you are reading this passage then you might not have a clue, which women turn you on. That is okay! It only means, you must try more activities where you may meet different types of women until you discover your niche.

One thing I want you to notice is you won't ever be able to attract all types of women out there. I know the seduction community makes this seem a possibility but it isn't. It’s unrealistic!

Besides, it's not a big deal. Because in the end of the day, you want to connect with women you have something in comrnon. Those are the ones that will excite you. For instance, it doesn't make sense if you are forty year old school teacher- Who dresses more classical and hasn't got a party animal inside.

Then going to a nightclub where you may only find party girls in their eariy twenties. Of course if you are a college professor, you may encounter a few of your students. I don't recommend student-teacher relationships. Although, it seems hot as fuck!

However, most likely you won't have anything in common with these women. So very few or even none will find you attractive. It's just not your niche! As these girls are into sexy party guys. Rather than a school teacher, who probably they consider boring. Since school isn't exactly the most amusing thing for them either.

Instead, you would be better off going to a Jazz bar or lounge bar, frequenting some cultural events, museums, libraries, etc. You would more easily encounter the type of women you like here.

In case, you had this craziness to really date party girls then it's not impossible! However, you would need to drastically change your whole lifestyle in way that you became a forty year old party guy. Probably not something you really want.

Anyway, I guess you get my point of view: So after you found your niche then you want to own it.

This is done by adjusting your fashion sense, improving your confidence levels, knowing what these type of women feel excited to talk about, and places they love going and you may take them on a date.

Also the stronger your character (all the traits I already described) becomes, the wider range of women will find you attractive. Going back to our example, you may notice more party girls finding you a handsome 40 year old school teacher.

Because these traits are commonly attractive to most women despite their interests. Now this doesn't mean you will marry a party girl and live happily ever after. It may happen but more likely you will only have sex. As your values and interests are very different that a relationship would inevitably fail.

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