Being Attractive To Women And How to Increase Masculinity

Author Amanda Jordan From Dating Advice The Manual for Men 8 years ago 14847

Men have been regarded as the symbol of strength. This is true. Nature decides that men have larger testosterone levels in their bodies, which means they are more suited for physical exertion, being competitive, and taking risks in born. If a man wants to show off his masculinity to a woman, don’t forget these traits. A man should be proud of these traits and never deny them. In modern days, society expects men to be caring, sensitive and expressive about their feeling. However, these are feminine traits. I didn’t mean that a man being caring is not right. But he shouldn’t sacrifice his manliness or masculinity to do so. If you want to know what traits are masculine, please read the following:

1. Being decisive.

2. A strong body and mind.

3. Mental and physical stamina.

4. Being a leader.

5. Being determined and noble.

6. Protectiveness.

These are the typically traits of being masculine. If you feel out of touch with these characteristics, and feel like you aren’t having much luck with being attractive to women, it’s time to ramp up your masculinity.

But how to increase masculinity? As you know that focusing on being yourself is quite important. So if you follow these tips, you will find that your masculinity actually increases.

Do more physical activities: Since the outward appearance of a man is strength, so doing more physical activities will definitely help you improve your masculinity. This can be hiking, swimming, fishing, skiing, weight listing, and other sports. Try to fulfill activities that are similar to hunting in the brain. Doing activities that are physically intense like short sprints can help increase your testosterone levels. All these activities are helpful to you. So if you want to attract a woman, do more physical activities first.

Sharing more time with guys: It is a fact that hanging out more with guys is important to increase masculinity. We all know that women love to spend more time with friends and think highly of it. Men should also do the same thing! Fishing, biking, playing football, etc with your male friends are all ok. But remember please. They are all male friends you go with. Why’s that? Having more time with male friends actually is good for your masculine energies and traits. Guys are usually more interested in the mechanics behind things, and focusing on activities or goals. Different from women, men prefer to establish ideas or ascertain information instead of talking too much about it. The majority of men don’t like to focus on long talks on the phone. Instead, it makes more sense to the male brain to plan an outing that has a very specific purpose in mind. So watching a football game or biking with your male friends often is a good idea.

Take it all in Stride: It is not a shame for a man to accept any defeat. In fact, Being confident in yourself and accept defeat show that you are masculine. Remember, never try to blame or attack other when you suffer from defeat. Even if you have to endure something you don’t want to; or lose a debate you’re having, accept it with calm and dignified grace. Women always think that this type of attitude is attractive. Therefore, just be brave when you have to face the defeat.

Treat women with proper ways: When you are with a woman, please keep in mind the proper way to treat her. The real sign of masculinity is respecting yourself and not allowing any manipulation to take place. Don’t humiliate or debase her. It’s not masculine at all. The worst thing is that this behavior will reflect weakness and women think it is awful. So when you are with a woman next time, be polite to her and compliment her more. No woman will refuse praise. Of course, to show off your strength, be protective to her. At the same time, being respectful and real to her. Forget those foolish risks which are only stupid but not masculine. But taking intelligent and calculated risks enhances your sense of self and feelings of bravery. It takes you out of your comfort zones and gets you to realize what you are truly capable of.

Anyway, be brave and do the thing you are afraid to do. Ask the most beautiful woman at the party out on a date with you. These will help you be yourself. Don’t worry about failure because it can give you a good lesson which will help you do better next time.

If you keep all these tips in mind, you will find that you are more attractive to women and you also feel good about yourself.

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