• 6 Top Tips on Passion Ignition

    When the relationship is new, you feel like you are on cloud. You often share intimate moments together and make love often. You and your partner were attracted to one another physically and longed for passionate moments just as much as you enjoyed other aspects of being together. However, as time goes by, the passion seems to fizzle. You no longer touch or make love as often. You may ev
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9463
  • How Do You Bring Up Your Problem?

    Remember that it’s your problem, not theirs. If you want to bring up a problem that you are having, then you need to choose an opportune time when your loved one has sufficient time on his or her hands to sit down and listen. You also need to make it clear that you know it’s your problem. You can explain to your loved on that you are having a huge problem-even explain the reasons from
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9435
  • When A Narcissistic Man Is Rejected

    When a narcissistic man is rejected, he becomes angry and hurt. He blames the woman for not seeing his greatness. He calls her stupid or selfish or shallow because she’s not willing to give him what he - a random guy talking to her wants.It’s just another form of performance - he acts as if he’s in control, but his desperation to be in control is due to insecurity. A non-needy man do
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 8308
  • Setting Boundaries Is Not Selfish but A Way of Self-love

    Boundaries have been defined as something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent. We need to set boundaries for ourselves because everyday we have to deal with three layers of relationship well: relationship between you and environment surrounding you; relationship between you and people around you and relationship between you and your inner heart. To confront with these three kinds of
    juliana 7 years ago 11224
  • Who Would You Want to Thank the Most In 2017?

    We’re embracing another winter and another thanksgiving day on Nov. 23rd in the year 2017. Who do you want to thank the most in 2017?People I want to thank the most this year include my parents, my husband and some kind people impressed me a lot in recent years.I want to thank my parents the most firstly. I want to thank my parents for their love and life models for me in my early childhoo
    juliana 7 years ago 8967
  • Live A Lifestyle True to Yourself

    Developing an attractive lifestyle is a long-term process. It requires a consistent and penetrating look at your actions, your habits and what you’ve chosen to do with most of your time. Your job, your hobbies, your friends, your interests, are these things mostly a result of what was told to you or pushed on you, or are they things that you consciously evaluated and chose based on how
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 9929
  • Motivate Yourself with Painful Experiences rather than Make Them Annoy You

    The first response we generally have under a painful experience is to have bad emotions such as annoying, angry, fear, envy, hate and even despair. No matter how hard you’re in the moment and this hardship makes you extremely painful, try to motivate yourself with painful experiences.We’re destined to lose and face with death since we were born. Painful experiences in one’s life may
    juliana 7 years ago 9796
  • Develop Your Character to Be Attractive Men

    One thing that consistently holds men back is that they come across as just another typical dude or bro. Dime a dozen. We’re pressured most of our lives to go with the flow, go along with what our friends like and just agree with what those around us think. However, if you want to be attractive, you had better learn to develop your character. Attractive men usually have their own special
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 10775
  • Integrity Can Be Lost in Exchange for Ease and Comfort

    Are you a person good at cherishing integrity and value integrity more than other things such as ease and comfort? Integrity is often regarded as honesty, truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions. To maintain integrity you need to maintain honesty, trustfulness and accuracy of your actions. However, you have to make great efforts to achieve this goal. Any failure in maintaining honesty,
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 10087
  • Why Choosing Integrity Is A Way of Love Yourself?

    When it comes to self-love or self-esteem, core concept of integrity shall be involved as it is about fullness and completeness of self. If people are living under integrity, it often means people are generally following ways as below:1) being honest;2) Living a balanced and compartmentalized life;3) Often try to be who you are.A definition define integrity as “a concept of consistency of
    juliana 7 years ago 9972

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