A healthy relationship always involves conflicts because they are signs that you actually care enough to have conversations with the other person even about things that are not that easy to talk about, and that’s okay. This also means that you've got to deal with what happens after because you really just can’t expect things to go back to normal just like that.
If you can move past it right away, then that’s good. But what if you or your partner wants to be reassured that everything will be okay, or that you are being understood?
Allowing people who need reassurance to amble and talk, even if they go from topic to topic, is actually calming for them. They want to feel like you are interested or that at least you are allowing them to pour their hearts out, instead of making them feel like they are being suppressed.
There are people who have a lot going on in their minds, and sometimes, they just cannot seem to contain themselves. Sure, at first, you may feel like you cannot keep up with it, but the great thing about these people is that they are passionate. You’d feel how much they like something by the way they talk about them. You’d see how something means to them and that always makes for good conversation. Besides, that is so much better than not talking at all, especially if there are things that have to be fixed in the relationship.
It Takes Two to Tango
The problem with people in relationships is that sometimes they feel like their partners are the only ones at fault. This is wrong. Just because they are suffering from this certain condition doesn’t mean they are doing it deliberately, or that they’re always the ones at fault.
Take note that it always takes two to tango. A relationship could not be shouldered just by one person alone. Sure, they could be annoying at times. Sure, you may not always understand them, but do you actually have to go ahead and nag them? Do you have to criticize them and make them feel like they are worthless?
Again, people in relationships could also be hypersensitive. They notice everything, and when they feel like you are mad at them for being who they are, they become extremely conflicted inside. They feel like they’ve hurt you, or that they are not what you expect them to be, and that could be hurtful for anyone.
As you might know by now, relationships can be tricky. Like people, they could be flawed, too, but that’s no reason to just end a relationship. Remember that conflicts are one thing, the aftermath is another. Be mature enough to deal with them and surely, the relationship would work.