A good healthy relationship is one that involves less conflicts and battles It is a relationship where the spouses are dedicated to live their lives happily in unity. To be a better spouse, calls for understanding of the dynamics that build a relationship. I have summarized them in an easy understandable comprehension that will enlighten you on what you are missing out. The include elements in a healthy relationship include honesty, love, accountability and partnership.
1. Honesty
Honesty is a virtue. It is the best asset we can have as humans, being honest might not earn you points or always guarantee peace in your relationship, but it will always make you feel better and determined to fix where there needs fixing. It is difficult to be honest especially where our spouses' happiness might be in jeopardy, but this shouldn't be an excuse to cheating and lying. We’re as much fragile to dishonesty as our spouses are. But honesty has always been the best policy.
2. Love
Where the is love, there is endless hope against any obstacle that may come fourth, love is the foundation of any relationship. Being the better spouse calls for love and acceptance to the other. We must therefore learn new ways to love our spouses on a daily basis regardless.
By showing our love, we show our spouses how much we value them in terms of their efforts, character and habits. It makes them feel a sense of attachment to us and a sense of belongingness. Love also strengthens our spouses to figh t for our relationships.
3. Accountability
We are all accountable and questionable to the fate of our relationships. We should accept responsibility and suffer the consequences of our actions in our relationships regardless. Transferring accountability will jeopardise the relationship, for example, if it is I who spilled the coffee on the couch, it is I who did it I should stand up for my actions and blame no one else. Lack of accountability leads to deception which leads to break ups or divorces.
4. Partnership
Partnership involves equal share of responsibilities and duties. It also involes making decisions together as a couple. To be the right spouse, there is the need to involve the spouse in every decision-making process in the household. It is also important to make sure that each spouse gets an equal share of house chores and related relationship and house maintenance costs.
There are other plenty characteristics of a good relationship that you can explore. Be an adventurous person, bring in more sugar, and spice to your relationship. Learn to forgive and forget and in the end, you will be the saviour of your relationship.
To maintain a healthy relationship, just try your best to give or cultivate those four elements as above as your long term relationship need them to be spiced up and refreshed.