Do You Accept that Change Happens?

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 12077

Actually, when you're displaying jealousy, you're also showing your own inability to cope with change. He worked late and you make a drama of it. When he has a female client, you also make a drama of it. You have to learn to work with your partner, not against him or her. But what you should remember is that during the course of marriage, everthing changes. Your marriage doesn't stay the same because you're growing together and you are learning new things, such as being a married person or being a parent and change is part of the process. Whenever you feel any resentment beacause of any housework such as holding the baby, talk about it but please don't be jealous just because your partner is still out there socializing on business. You can share responsibility, hopes and aspirations but you should embrace change. Don't use jealousy as an excuse to make it a very uncomfortable thing to accept.

Jealousy can change your caracter as it is one of the most negative things that you can have in your life. It will make people back away from you and make you unhappy. Whenever demonstrating jealousy, you are showing people around you that you're:


●That you have self-esteem issues

●That you begrudge other people their happiness

●That you're not a nice person to know

If you don't like the state as above, you need to reflect yourself for reasons why you're becoming jealous and deal with it. Jealousy is your fault rather than anyone else's. It is what you have in your head and you need to work out a way to stem it. Otherwise, you'll continue to be jealous whereever you are. You need to stem jealousy at its root and work out why it is that you let this negative trait become part and parcel of who you are. Until you totally get rid of it, you leave yourself vulnerable to hurt. Would you choose to love anyone if you knew these facts about the way they see things?

●He won't be happy if you stay late at the office.

●He won't let you go on vavation on your own.

●She won't let you dress up nice to go without her.

●She won't let your keep your phone messages to yourself.

●He won't let you write emails without checking what you're saying and to whom they are sent.

You're adults and none of the statements as above are reasonable. You should be able to keep your friendships and keep in touch with people without feeling that you're owned by another human being. You should also be able to act independently. However, you won't be independent in a relationship formed based on the basis of jealousy. Your relationship should be worth more than that. Your self-esteem should be better than that. If it isn't, you may not be ready for a relationship with another human being. Taking jealousy and insecurity into a relationship is a recipe for disaster.

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