Your bedroom should be a place of rest. Unfortunately, people stack up their bedrooms with distractions. If you have your cell phone or your computer available in that room, either switch it off at bedtime or remove it from that room. This is your sleeping room. Your bedroom should be at a comfortable temperature and your sheets should be clean and welcoming at all times.
You will breathe better if they are clean and fresh and the bed will be more comfortable. If your pillows are not comfortable, treat yourself to new ones because this is essential. You also need to make sure that the room is aired out during the day as bedrooms can smell stale and this won’t help you in your quest to get good quality sleep.
Make sure that dirty laundry is placed in the wash bin and is not left in your room as odors can also irritate you and stop you from sleeping correctly. It’s something worth thinking about, but you can get a diffuser of soothing aromas for the bedroom and eucalyptus or something like that is perfect because it helps you to breathe better.
Get into a routine of locking your doors and making sure everything is secure before going to bed so you don’t have to worry about it. The less that you have on your mind at night, the better. Remember that the bedroom is for relaxing. Don’t take your troubles there at all if you can help it.
When you are ready for bed, try proper relaxation exercise to help you to get in the right mood for sleep. This will help you and if you make sure that you aim for eight hours of sleep, this will give you a lot more energy for the next day. The problem is that people who are depressed actually dig the hole deeper by not sleeping. They get up the next day even more tired and less able to cope with their problems, when sleep would resolve a lot of this.