Does This Person Make Me Want To Improve Myself?

Author Elisa Armstrong From Build a Love That Lasts: Three Relationship Conversation Books in One Set 8 years ago 10617

Do They Challenge You?

A fulfilling and positive relationship encourages your growth. It tries to get you out of your comfort zone to tell you what you are capable of doing. An encouraging and motivating partner will introduce you to different ways through which you can discover unknown facets of yourself.

Do They Encourage You To Be Selfless?

A healthy relationship is all about thinking about the other person's needs and putting others before you. Selflessness makes people feel loved and special. Does your partner encourage you to be selfless through their own thoughts and actions? Are they sensitive to your requirements? Do you feel more compassionate, selfless and understanding after associating with them? Have you transformed into a better person overall after they have stepped into your life?

If you constantly see them placing your needs before theirs, you are more likely to respond in a similar manner. Not just that, you generally learn to be more selfless when it comes to doing things for others.

Say for instance, you are with a person who is forever focused on themselves. They think little about other's needs, behave in a selfish manner and are more egocentric. Do you think such a person can boost your selflessness? Will being with a more self-centered and egoistical person make you want to be selfless? Maybe not.

Do They Encourage You To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle?

Have you noticed any drastic changes in your lifestyle after being with your partner? Have they added more value or deteriorated the quality of your life? Have they indulged your bad habits or encouraged you to live a healthier lifestyle? Have they encouraged addiction of any kind? Do they lead an addiction free and healthy lifestyle overall? Do they do everything is excess? Do they smoke and drink more than they should? Are you able to live with a person who is a heavy smoker, drinker or drug addict?

Are they physically active? Couch potatoes whose life revolves around eating pizza and watching television are less likely to add any quality to your own lifestyle. Similarly, people with heavy addiction, however nice they may be otherwise, may not be able to encourage you to live a healthier lifestyle. On the other hand, a person who exercises regular, plays sport, meditates and displays healthy food habits will be more likely to inspire you to follow suit.

Do They Make You A More Effective Communicator?

Are you able to communicate well with your partner? Are you completely comfortable having a frank and unguarded discussion with your partner? Are they easy to talk to or do they get offended at the slightest straightforward remark? Do you have to hold back a lot to prevent upsetting or angering them? Communicating your feelings effectively and openly is a must in every healthy relationship. Do you see yourself communicating your thoughts frankly to your partner? Things may go south fast if you are not able to talk to each other without inhibitions.

Communication is as much about listening as about talking. Does your partner listen to you attentively? Do they listen to understand you or simply for framing an apt reply? Are they quick to judge you when you are sharing your feelings or experiences? Do they listen to react or simply because it makes you feel good to vent out? Does your partner inspire/encourage you to be a better talker and listener?

Do They Encourage You To Be a More Trustful Person?

Trust is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. Does your partner encourage you to be more trustful based on the way their actions? Does their implicit trust in you inspire you to be more trustful? Are they open and forthcoming with you about everything or are they more sneaky and discreet about some things in their life? Do they disclose things in a mature and frank manner or do you find them acting in a stealthier manner? Do you often find them manipulating facts or the truth to suit their purpose? Are they always suspecting you or casting aspersions on your motives?

People who are themselves devious and untruthful often suspect others of mischief. Similarly, people who confidently trust their partner are likely to be more honest, secure and trustworthy. Do you mostly find them being distrustful and skeptical of your actions and motives? They may be dealing with deeper issues that need to be addressed. Other than sexy, attractive and well-spoken, you want a person who you can trust and who encourages you to be more trustful of them, don’t you? Again, there’s no right or wrong, you need to decide what you are able to live with and what you just can’t put up with.

Does Your Partner Give You Courage?

One of the best ways to improve yourself is to get out of your comfortable zone and take risks. Does your partner offer you the courage to take risks you otherwise wouldn't have considered taking? Do they successfully push you out of your comfortable zone to try different things? Are they constantly encouraging you to push your limits and explore what you are capable of achieving? Do they believe in your abilities even when you are doubtful of it?

Ask yourself if the person gives you the courage to take on stuff you wouldn't have otherwise done. Do they make you believe in yourself? Does your partner give you the strength to do something you have always felt you are incapable of doing?

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