How to Become Self-sufficient?

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 9446

Most people need little time to be independent people who do not rely on relationships to keep them happy. We should be happy living on our own. Actually, one can hardly go into a relationship as a whole human being if you are not one. If you're trying to use getting into a relationship to get away from an unsatisfactory situation, then you're setting yourself up for disaster. To become self-sufficient, we should learn the following steps as advised. Self-sufficiency will not only be beneficial to your personal growth, but also key for you to manage various kinds of relationships.

Learn to live with yourself

No matter in which situation you are living, you should learn to live with yourself. Whether it means staying with your parents or not depends on how happy and content you'are within this situation. If you're abel to be secure and happy within your parents' house, that's fine. However, if you are living alone, you need to improve yourself in the following areas of your life:

Are you able to cope mentally with being on your own?

Are you able to be basically financially independent?

Do you have independence?

You can improve your independence through doing many things. For example, you can put yourself indulged in things you're interested in. It is a good way for you to meet someone who has the same hobby as you. You can learn to drive a car. Learn to do a new technique will boost your self-esteem. Until you learn to be the very best person that you can be until you can sleep good at night and not feel that you actually don't need a relationship. You should keep in mind that people can live happily without being in a relationship. If you're still craving a relationship, you can take classes in different aspects such as self-assertion and self-defense or others which may improve your confidence level.

You need to like yourself

If you don't like yourself, you'll go into a relationship with various problems. And many of the problems may be of great relevance to potential jealousy or insecurity within the relationship.Whether you're on the receiving end of jealousy or you're the person who initiates jealousy, what is does to you is that it makes you less of a person and it will ruin your relaitonship. You shall make great efforts to be a very confident person before stepping into a relationship.

Be independent

Think about it, if you prepare yourself as a whole person who is happy with who he or she is to your partner, then you'll start a relationship very well. You'll be able to go through all the bad times peacefully. A certain thing is that you will not let jealousy get into the picture because you will be too sensible. If your partner does, you'll also have the choice to walk away. If you're independent, you'll certainly trust yourself and then trust your partner. That trust can seal a relationship and stops jealousy from creeping in. If you're a complete person who is happy with yourself, you'll starve off the ruin that jealousy can inflict upon you.

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