How to Convey Confidence

Author Kerry Brinkworth From How to Find Your Soulmate An Essential Guide to Finding Your Soulmate, the Partner of Your Dreams 8 years ago 9389

It may seem silly to mention this, but confidence is most definitely key when it comes to finding your soul mate. There are a lot of lists and tips out there that will tell you "exactly" how to attract the person of your dreams. We all know they exist, and the horrible part is, we've all read them (and maybe even believed them). They say things like, "Always wear makeup that doesn't look like makeup) make him his dinner before he gets home and "don't wear these five fashion trends " They’re horrible, and I want to throw that out the window right now. Every person is different, so you can't possibly predict exactly how to find your soulmate If you tried to go about dating in this way (and perhaps you have) you'd just lower your self-esteem in the process, and get frustrated when these techniques don't work. The simple truth is that the person who is your soul mate will never care if you don't (or do) wear makeup, whether or not you can cook, or what silly fashion trends you choose to embrace.

The first thing you want to do is make sure that your self-esteem is in a good place Self-esteem is the first ingredient to finding a partner When you exude joy and happiness in life and in yourself, others with the same energy attracted to you. Summarily, it's known as the Universal Law of Attraction. Or, what you express is what you attract. If you send out good energy, you receive good energy in return, and vice versa.

We all want someone who brings us up, not down. If you are a person affected by depression, do not think that this section excludes you. Remember that your depression is a separate entity from yourself and that if you are truly passionate about something, or especially bubbly, or the comedian in the room, people will still notice and be positively attracted to you. This is also true for those who think of themselves as particularly introverted. There is still an energy that others can pick up on.

One sure way to get your self-esteem up high is to engage in activities you absolutely love doing. The good thing about doing activities you love is that you will be more likely to meet and attract someone who loves the same things you do. This is not to say that if you are a lawyer or an artist that you have to date someone else who is. Say though, that a favorite hobby is biking If you join a biking group, you may stand a better chance at meeting someone compatible. The key is to put yourself in an element where your talents and personality can shine. if you are comfortable, you are genuine. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to try and present what they think others want out of a partner. If you do this, you will attract someone who isn't a good match. Being genuine is essential to finding a soul mate.

Alternatively, (or perhaps in conjunction) you might choose to take up a hobby you've always had an interest in, but never tried. This could be a great tactic if you're already very involved in your community and know a lot of people. It could just be that you need to meet new people, and step out of your comfort zone to find a match. Don't step too far out though; if you choose to take this route, make sure the new activity is still something you’d enjoy learning.

Another way to boost your confidence is to make sure you’re presenting yourself in the way that you feel most comfort-able. Dress how you want to dress, maybe give yourself a makeover It could be something as simple as getting your eyebrows done regular^ to getting that gym membership you always wanted Whatever you do, make sure you do it for yourself, in a way that is healthy. Remember, health and positive energy are good foundations for a meaningful relationship.

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