If you have been in a relationship with your partner for a very long time, it likely means your partner has a lot of good qualities that you really appreciate. It’s quite possible that a long period of time has passed, or you’ve become so comfortable around each other, that you may have begun to take these qualities for granted. Part of the Appreciation Plan is to remember all of the good things your partner has done for you. You have to remember your partner's good qualities and why you fell in love with them.
When you live with your partner or spouse for a long time, it is easy to notice their bad habits and qualities. You often magnify their quirks and mistakes and be-little their achievements and good qualities. You have to look past your spouse or partner's flaws and short-comings for your relationship to work. If you want to fall in love with your partner all over again, you have to remember all of the qualities that made you fall in love with him/her in the first place. One way to ignite the fire in your relationship is to appreciate your partner.
Here's how you can show appreciation to your partner:
Remember All The Good Things That Your Partner Has Done For You
Remember how happy your partner made you feel when they completed errands for you, fixed your car, or raised funds so you could pursue your educational aspirations. Instead of focusing on what they have done wrong in the relationship, focus on the things they did right. Instead of focusing on their mistakes and failures, focus on their achievements.
You have to find the silver lining. If your partner or spouse were selfish and negligent, you wouldn't be in a relationship with them- What did they do to make you fall in love with them? It can be as simple as how they made you feel when you first met. Maybe they were funny; or they showed that they cared during a time in your life when it seemed like you were alone. Something about your partner lifted you up and made you excited about life. Is there anything from that time in your relationship that carried over to the present? Does your significant other still make you smile at times? If so, remember that this is something that has always made you attracted to them. There is no one else that can make you feel the same way that you feel around your spouse or partner, even if things might have changed since you first met.
Think back to why your partner did those great things for you. Maybe they took care of you because you were sick, or they gave you the opportunity to travel some-where or have fun with your family or friends. Your spouse or partner cares about you and would not look after you, work for you, or spend their money if what they felt was not genuine. Do you feel more loved by your partner when they do those things for you? If so, you must look at your life at the moment and find ways that your partner is trying to please you now, and understand they do care.
It’s possible that these good things don’t happen as often as they used to. You both may have other responsibilities such as children that you are focusing on pleasing. Maybe your financial situation has changed with the purchase of a home, or a vehicle and what your partner was able to provide for you is no longer possible.
There is even the chance that you and your partner have been together for so long that you aren't even aware of the positive things that they do for you anymore. It’s important to spend more time focusing on the positives. Even if it's not as often as you would like, if your spouse or partner still occasionally does something nice for you, you need to appreciate their effort and don’t let it get taken for granted Even if you partner isn't perfect, you must let the good outweigh the bad if you want your relationship to remain strong.