It's Not Your Mom's Fault

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 10022

In our life, we often meet many people in life and we tend to categrize people into different types. There are people who are self-assued and they're those who you go to when you have problems of your own; and there are people who are not self-assured. There are also people who have great dress sense and those who don't care about what they wear. There are some people who choose to wear makeup and those who don't. The diversity of human nature is such that there are groups of people who have similar traits and we always tend to like to tag them. For example, have you heard of the term such as "Hippy" or "Snobbish". They're always tags on others.

Adjectives to describe people

There're millions of adjectives people can use to describe the people they know. Now that you come to people's personalities, you have descriptions attached to them as well. Look at the adjectives as below, you'll think of who you know that can be sorted to the following category.






The descriptions describe people you find unattractive and perhaps unable to relate to. These are people who make your life miserable and when you think of them, you're sad for their unhappiness. However, you're not prepared to allow them to bring you down to their level of negativity. People who have positive attributes are a whole lot more attractive as potential friends than those who have none. If you intend to allow jealousy into your life, consequences might be as obvious as below:

●Your lover will see you as less attractive.

●Your friends will see you as negative.

●You demonstrate to everyone that you have insecurity issues.

●People will go to lengths to avoid you.

Feeling jealous makes you unattractive

When you feel jealous, the first thing you need to do is to question yourself and find out why. As jealousy starts from within rather than out, you need to look internally as it is an internal problem. For example, when you complain as below: your boyfriend is going out too much without you. Your jealous instinct is kicking in and you start to suspect him. Even though you have no other reason to believe he is being unfaithful, you think that his absence is unreasonable. If you think that tackling it through a confrontation in a jealous manner will help you, you're wrong. All this you will do is make you look needy. You need to look into yourself and find out why it upsets you that he enjoys going out on his own and why you resent it. You may be telling yourself that you feel like he is not committing to the relationship and that's not fair enough. Instead of being jealous and looking needy, you should sit down calmly to ask how your boyfriend feels about putting in a little more commitment to the relationship. If he doesn't want to change, you know where you stand and you can then choose whether to stay in the relationship or not. You need to know what that level is and show him that you have self-respect and would like to fix ground rules that suit both of you.

Jealousy will always make you look unattractive. It will always show your weakness and it's not about them but about you. Jealous people always consider happiness as to be someone else's fault and it's never theirs.

●It's his fault I am so unhappy.

●It's her fault that we're no longer friends.

●It's my mom's fault that I can't feel good about myself.

●He bought that car to be better than me.

While you're blaming other people, all you're doing is trying to be the victim and gain sympathy from others. You're not the victim and if you feel jealous, it is the people around you who are the victims and it's not his fault that you're unhappy. It's your fault for accepting whatever unacceptable behavior he shows. If he treats you unfairly, then only you can determine whether you accept that kind of behavior or walk away. You think it's your friend's fault that you are no longer friends. It takes two to tango and chances are that if you lost a friend, there are two sides to the coin. Stop blaming others but to start looking at where the fault really lies.

It's not your mom's fault

Have you ever thought that it's your mom's fault that you don't feel good about yourself? Here's a little news may be of interest to you. Your mom doesn't control your life. She may have made you feel unhappy when you were a kid. But if she is still making you feel unhappy when you're an adult, it's up to you to do something about it. Jealousy of other people won't help the cause. You can still go on blaming other people the rest of your life if you continue to choose so. However, when you're doing this, you're deflecting blame and not actually looking at the part you played in the picture. Stop being blinded and start being yourself. Confront with your own problems by yourself and stop blaming others.

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