Is kissing actually good for you? You bet! In fact regular kissing can improve your physical as well as mental well-being. Want to lose weight? According to the British science magazine Focus kissing provides significant aerobic benefits. As reported in the magazine, research found that is a fact that kissing is great exercise. An energetic snog, Involving plenty of tongue, exercises 39 facial muscles and bums up 150 calories. That's about the same as walking up a hill with a 40 pound rucksack.[ Research has shown that a steady habit of "long and passionate" kissing can lower blood pressure and choles-terol levels, reducing the risk of stroke.] To drop those 150 calories all you need to do is kiss for ten minutes with lips and tongue fully engaged. That's a better burn than 15 minutes of swimming would provide. Not bad.
Here's a few other ways that kissing is reported to improve health:
•Research has shown that a steady habit of "long and passionate" kissing can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of stroke.
•Kissing boosts our immune system. Although it doesn't sound very romantic, inevitably when we kiss we swap germs with our partner The body's reaction to this microscopic invasion is to crank up its internal defense system. The production of antibodies increases which the immune system can then use to fight off infection.
•A study conducted by a German insurance company found that men who kiss their wives before heading off to work actually have fewer car accidents than less romantic types who leave in the morning without that goodbye kiss. The same study also concluded that morning kissers scored higher levels of happiness, missed fewer days of work due to illness, and actually earned as much as a third more income.
•Kissing even provides healthful benefits to our smile How? The act of kissing stimulates the flow of saliva in the mouth. This extra wash of saliva around the teeth helps reduce plaque levels, the number one cause of tooth decay and gum disease in our biology. When we kiss, the brain releases a variety of neurotransmitters, mood-enhancing chemicals that boost our sense of happiness and well-being. As the plea-sure centers of the brain are lighting up, our stress levels are going down because this feel-good chemistry counters the effects of hydrocortisone, a major stress hormone. This reduction in stress helps us relax and enjoy the moment, but it also provides real health benefits by increasing our resistance to stress-related illnesses.
In an unfair world where hot fudge sundaes taste far more enticing than the better-for-us spinach, kissing is at least one sweet dessert that truly is good for us.