Sweet love text messages used in the right way can really spice up your relationship & make your holidays exciting for everyone else.With the development of technology such as mobile phones ipads, love texts used properly can also potentially help enhance your relationship.Hereby, messages below are provided for your reference to take as examples for spicing your relationship up.
*You know even when we argue...I love how smart, tough and honest you always are.
*When the sky tumbles, when the light goes out... I never care, because you make me laugh.
*Just thinking your name totally distracts me from work. How do the people who know you have jobs?
*No reply is necessary...just knowing you read my words makes me all giddy inside.
*I can't stop thinking about your voice. You talk like a symphony, a beautiful symphony.
*You are a spectacular mom! Your kid is going to grow up to be a movie star or a president!
*Only because I've loved you, can l say l have lived a long full life.
*I want to forget everything and just be with you. You are the only cure for my longing.
*I love feeling your hips in my hands as we dance the night away...
*I miss how you feel when your body is pressed against mine. Such a warm embrace...
*Too long without a big hug from you and I get moody...
*I still remember how amazingly beautiful you looked on our wedding day.
*I still remember how gorgeous you looked on our first date. That's when I realized, wow; I am really lucky!
*I can't stop thinking about our last vacation. We had so much fun...and you, oh man, you were so beautiful!
*Sometimes I think our best memories are just the two of us hanging out, talking, loving and holding each other close.
*I couldn’t have done any of this...my whole life...my success...without you supporting me. Thank you, my love.
*We have overcome so many things in our relationship together...but our love has moved mountains. I will always be there for you.