Stop Jealousy in Its Tracks Even During Pregnancy

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 10627

A friend of mine who was pregnent kept jealous of slim women and this really made her unattractive. I expected her to cry. I expected her to be upset and let some of her emotions out, but what she did let out, I didn’t really expect. She believed her husband found her body in its pregnant state ugly. I knew otherwise, as he had mentioned to me that she was gorgeous when she was pregnant. Her insecurity got in the way of common sense. That night, the jealousy stopped because she understood for the first time since becoming pregnant that pregnancy isn’t an impediment and that the child that was growing inside her was a celebration of their relationship. The thin girls her husband came into contact with didn't have what she had. She had his child to look forward to and he was looking forward to it every bit as much as she was.

Once her husband was aware of her unhappiness, he was able to reassure her that she was indeed the most beautiful creature on earth as far as he was concerned. He knew what the boundaries were within his marriage. But in this small instance, he needed to step onto her side of the dividing line to give her strength when she felt weak. This what a good relationship really matters. It's a healthy part of growing together as people. Since you find and establish this comfort zone, you'll find it's a really nice to be.

When you doubt something in your relationship, you let jealousy slip into it and you ruin your chances of finding true happiness. Human beings have to go through many changes. However, if you want to maintaine a long-term relationship, you shall learn to cope with the changes and make the relationship work. Some physical changes such as hormonal changes must be accounted for because they can wreak havoc on the way people feel. Men may go through a certain period of questioning their own masculinity and perhaps they sometimes seek out extra reassurance. Similarly, women going through menopause may have their hormones turned on full steam ahead and may start to have irrational thoughts. Wives and partners should be aware of this.

Your relationship need to grow and you get to know each other and depend upon each other for strength at times, and the strength may be in a short supply period sometimes. You need to understand these changes and get on well with them as they happen. You shall learn to talk in a friendly way about them. Moreover, you may need to change your stance sometimes as the changes happen. My friend may need extra reassurance when she saw herself as fat and ugly during pregnancy. Per happs you need some reassurance when your hair falls out after chemotherapy. Or neither of you need that reassurance since you have a perfect relationship, but you should always be ready for the changes making a difference in the relationship.

In the process of coping with the changes in your relationship, communication about the changes between you is of great significance. Especially when you have kids,your lack of communication could even hurt the kids and cause them issues later in life. Communicate with each other in a kind way before jealousy eating your thoughts.

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