Taking A Genuine Interest In Our Everyday Lives

Author Dr. Jane Smart From 20 Things Men Love In Women 8 years ago 12530

One of the keys, if not the most important, to building a successful relationship with a man is the ability of a woman to show a sincere interest in both the man and the things that are important to him. By expressing a genuine interest in a man's qualities, background, history, hobbies, career, family, or anything else closely related to him, a woman will give him a sense of importance, well-being, and value.

Suppose a man goes out to a social gathering and meets Mary. Mary gives him all her attention, asks questions about his family and concludes the conversation with a warm smile and a firm handshake or hug. How would he feel about her? Now, suppose the same man meets Judith at the same event. Judith barely acknowledges his existence, looks for other people for conversation and cannot remember his name five seconds later. How would he feel about her, even if she is the most beautiful lady in the world?

It is critical to show interest in order to build meaningful relationships. Here are some ways to express interest in others:

1. Make your greeting stand out - When you meet people for the first time or greet them for the tenth time, you have the opportunity to make a positive impression on them. The key here is to take 10 seconds and make them feel like the most important person on this earth. Look them in the eyes with warmth and authenticity and offer them a cordial greeting. If appropriate, give them a firm handshake or a hug.

2. Use Their Name - In all your communication, written or verbal, for the first time or repeated, make a point to use the name of a person. Remember their name, which will add to their feeling of importance.

3. Listen with interest - There is a difference between simply listening to people and listening with deep interest. Listening with interest means you really care about what they are saying in contrast to simply listening because it is polite.

4. Ask questions - A great way to show interest is to ask questions. It could be as simple as starting a conversation with a coworker about what they did over the weekend. You can ask about the person's family. Asking questions usually encourages a person to talk about their interests and themselves.

5. Recognize people - When you recognize people, you recognize their value and importance. How about embracing your man before he goes to work? Try saying, "Good morning" to your co-workers while walking through the office? When you go out of your way to recognize people, you are going to make a positive impression on them.

6. Show Respect - When you show respect to people, your actions express your interest in them. Think about it. When people show you respect, how does it make you feel about them? On the other hand when people DO NOT show you respect, how do you feel about them?

7. The Old Fashioned Way - One of the best ways to show the importance of a relationship is to call someone to see how they are doing. I receive very few calls from people who do not have a personal agenda. Those who call because they really care about me stand out in my mind. Think about it, how often do people call you just to say hello or find out what's going on in your life?

8.0ffer genuine compliments - When people take the time to offer you a sincere compliment, how does that make you feel? Are you naturally attracted to people who speak positively of you? When you take 10 extra seconds to offer people a genuine compliment, your interest in them can have a much greater impact than you know.

9. Encourage people - When you encourage others, you raise their spirits, enhance their self-confidence and add fuel to their motivational fire. You also give them hope and inspiration. A simple word of encouragement can do so much to improve someone's life.

10. Recognize special events in people's lives- When you make the effort to remember important dates in people's lives, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and religious holidays (or perhaps the anniversary of the death of a loved one), your efforts will be noticed. If showing an interest in others is perhaps the most important key in building valuable relationships, then why not take the time to review this list one more time and see what you can do better?

When a woman shows interest in a man and in things that are important to him, a man will show interest in her and in things that are important to her.

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