Most women have a part of them that questions if you still love her just as much as you did when you first started seeing each other. This uncertainty results in a lot of unnecessary arguments that stem from your partner not feeling loved.
She is often looking for clues implicating you are emotionally checked out and she will need reassurance if she finds evidence of emotional disconnect. The right expression of love will help you in establishing and solidifying the emotional relationship that you share.
You might think that she already knows how much you cate about her, but that usually is not enough. She wants to hear it. And she wants to hear it often.
Her inner insecurity makes absolute sense. It’s actuall built into our DNA to ensure our partner's emotional attachment. Evolutionarily speaking, the female partner in any species invests more in the reproductive process because of the risk associated with having children (and this point stands whether or not you have or even want children). So your partner is very in tune with whether or not you care for her. She wants as much certainty as possible when it comes to your feelings about her.
As men, we do our best to let our partners know that we care about them and love them. Yet we often hear common phrases that we "aren't listening" or that we "are being selfish." A gesture that you put time and energy into can quickly get thrown out the door. The end result can be her being upset and you wondering why you even bother.
The small differences between the sexes can be maddening- It's easy to play the blame game and say, “Well, I tried to do something nice but she's just high maintenance, irrational, or crazy.”
When there is miscommunication and misinterpretation between you and your partner, everything suffers. You feel uncomfortable around each other. Your moods are affected. Your sex life declines.
If, on the other hand, your compliments and gesture are communicated and interpreted in the way that you intend them to be, communication flows freely, you both feel comfortable, sex is initiated more frequent! And you feel an undeniable sense of connectedness to makes you feel both loved and respected.
You akeady know how to order flowers, get a gift card to the spa, go out to a fancy dinner, or do any of other hundreds of suggestions a search engine could offer that would please your partner. What you may not know is that there are far more powerful and effective ways to show your affection. These next chapter give you the tools to produce far better results than a dozen roses ever could.