Ways to Feeling Good about Your Life

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 9995

It's quite normal that we may be in a quite down state sometimes and not feeling good. Even in such situations, you'd better find ways to turn yourself to feel good about your life. Hereby, this passage introduces three ways to help you get rid of jealousy and always help you remain in a positive state.

Understand the good things in your life

Telling yourself all the good things you have in your life and your relationship rather than the negative things. You'll see how much more important these are. For example, if you and your partner have a nice house, a nice car or are lucky enough to have a couple of kids, you may be a lot luckier than others. In the world, there are people who are homeless; there are people without kids who desperately want them; there are people who live alone and who have no one to love them. It's quite obvious but we put aside all the good things when we're jealous. Instead of being jealous, you can see many positive sides in life and bring yourself much happiness.

Learn the wonders of emphathy

There's a lot of value to actually enjoy other people's victories. When you feel empathy, you feel good about the good things happening to others and this means that you are less likely to use jealousy as a tool to get what you want out of relationships. You value people for their much contributions to their success and you also enjoy celebrating their success.That's why you're so popular and loved by so many people. If you're jealous, you're showing weak side of yourself and have no empathy at all. And you'll see that you're not really good at keeping any relationship alive.

Learn to share success

When people around you have gained success,you can share what they celebrate and not feel bad about it instead of being jealous. The process of sharing other people's success also will teach you something very valuable. By looking at the examples of others in a very positive way, you're able to use those experiences to try and improve your own a lot. Successful people are often good partners because almost none of them are jealous of others. They merely use each other as a sounding board or even a mentor to improve who they are because they want to stay successful and happy. You could just imagine a situation under which the wife is jealous of her husband's success.She doesn't make him feel good about his promotion. She makes him feel like he is showing her up as a failure. He doesn't get to enjoy all the good things that he should be enjoying. People who love each other don't do that to each other. Instead, they celebrate their success in life and often they use each other as examples to aim for the things they need to achieve.

Jealousy can distort everything in your life. It exaggerates things and makes people (whether your partner, or your relatives or friends) around you bitter and angry. Under such circumstances, you'll feel very bad in your life. However, when you always learn to see the positive things in life, learn the wonders of empahty and share success, you'll feel much better with yourself and your life. Actually, in the process of learning those three aspects, you're actualy on the same page as the positive things in your life, harmonious with successful people in your life and at the same growing step with your partner.

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