Evidence (known for centuries by the ancient Taoists) suggests that ejaculating less often could make you into a more productive, driven, and loving man. Your sexual energy is the greatest and most potent form of energy available to you. You can either squander it or utilize it to its fullest potential and let it supercharge your life.
How It Works
As many men know, sexual energy can be a powerfull
encompassing beast.
Semen retention is something that high-level professional
athletes have practiced for a long time. Do you think Tyson would have bit
Holyfield’s ear off if he had masturbated right before the fight? I highly doubt
The number one biologically hard-wired task that all mammals seek is
reproduction. If your body thinks that you are already doing well in terms of
reproduction (because you ejaculating often), then it doesn’t stay motivated to
conquer life, or accumulate resources, or acquire a mate, etc.
By refraining
from frequent orgasms, your testosterone (or aggression) levels experience a
boost and you’re more likely to dominate whatever task you’re tackling.
is a drop in testosterone levels immediately following an ejaculation which
makes your mojo drop. Testosterone is present in both men and women and is
largely responsible for sexual desire and aggression.
You’ve likely felt the
unique sense of numbness that permeates your mind after climax. Now imagine that
numbness encompassing your daily mental state as a result of indulging in
ejaculation too frequently.
What Are The Benefits?
You will experience a handful of positive side
effects when you refrain from frequent ejaculation.
There are the benefits
that have been proven scientifically:
-More energy
-Deep voices
-Interacting with sexual mates mroe
-Greater gains from workouts
-Stronger erections
-Return to
healthier sexual tastes (i.e. Easier to do with away with porn)
There are also the benefits that I have seen with my clients and that I have
personally experienced:
-Greater focus
-Massively increased productivity
-Greater appreciation for “real” woman (rather than the airbrushed women
fund in porn)
-More sexually polarized intercourse with partners
depth within intimate relationships
-Deeper connection with and love for