What Can You Do for Your Life Partner?

Author Christian Olson From Marriage Tips 7 years ago 10481

Living with a lifelong partner, you will confront with many things together everyday. Inevitables might be unavoidable, but you can still do a lot of things of significance for your partner to improve your relationship and even your life quality. Hereby, some tips on what kind of easy but positive things you can do for your partner, you can refer to reflect yourself and make actions to enjoy a best moment everday in daily life.

Tip 1: Take Care of Each Other when Sick

I remember when I had the stomach flu and my wife took care of all the clothes I vomited on. She said that she realized at that moment how much she loved me, because it was disgusting. When you're sick, you may smell bad, be grumpier, be tired, and it certainly doesn’t bring out the best in you. In those times, you can show your partner your complete commitment by taking care of him/her.

Tip 2: Back Each Other Up and Take His/Her Side

I have seen arguments between my wife and her family, or even times when my wife was annoyed with my family. Even if your partner is wrong, make sure he/he realizes that you are there for them. If you completely disagree with your partner, it may just be the best thing to listen and not go into it as much. But especially if you agree, let it known that you are on their side. Always stay united.

Tip 3: Encourage Each Other

What is better than having your own personal cheerleader? Encourage each other to achieve goals and get the most out of life. This will help you feel like you're on the same page and connect your inner desires. Also, it will help you achieve those goals more quickly and effectively.

Tip 4: Believe in Each Other's Dreams

Everybody has hopes and dreams, and I don't just mean the relationship. You might have a financial goal, a career you dream of, or some kind of other performance or success you want to make happen someday. It's most encouraging if your spouse believes you can do it.

Tip 5: Spoil Each Other

Don't be mediocre. Spoil each other with the best food, the best moments, the hardest work, and your best moods. This way, your partner will feel like he/she is getting more out of the relationship than what he/she is putting into it.

Tip 6: Gone/Call or Text Each Other

Just the regular contact of hearing each other’s voice or making sure you are still involved in each other's lives with your thoughts can increase the dopamine and oxytocin in your brain. I remember when we were gone from each other a lot, it was great to see a little text message in my phone or email from my partner.

Tip 7: Dress Up for Each Other

So you’ve been married for a while. You have seen each other in all kinds of different outfits and without any clothes. No matter which you prefer, I think any spouse would appreciate a nice dress-up, with their wife in a beautiful dress, hair done, sophisticated make-up, etc. or the husband in a handsome suit. It can make you feel classy and show off your spouse.

Tip 8: Clean Up After Each Other

I like it when people dean up their mess, but it just doesn't always happen. We get busy, and we forget. So give eachother a break and clean up your spouse’s clothes, silverware, glass in the living room, suitcase in the car, etc. If you both decide to do it, nothing will be left like a mess. Just make sure you don't put their stuff in a place they can't find it.

Tip 9: Give Each Other a Massage

Exchange massages. My wife and I do. It depends on where we want the massage. Sometimes I say something like, Tan you massage my back? Then I will rub your feet.” I am not going to give an entire course in this book, but there are numerous ways to make a person feel more relaxed by giving a massage.

Tip 10: Accept Each Other's Quirks

So many people that I have known for a long time have become more predictable because I found out things about them. You may not realize it, but there are millions of people, and a pretty big percentage of the population too, who have some light form of OCD, Autism, ADD, ADHD, compulsions, quirks, social awkwardness, tendency to give up, tendency towards perfectionism, low self-esteem, things they can't let go, sloppiness, forgetfulness, etc. People are weird, and you and your spouse are no different. Accept that. If your spouse has some light form of any of the ones I mentioned, just learn more about them so you know how to interact with him/her better. It doesnft mean they are crazy. Don't live in denial. You don’t have to tell everyone about it (because people associate those things with ,(being crazy), but it can definitely help you understand your spouse better.

Tip 11: Be a Hero

See yourself as a hero/heroine, someone who does what’s right and is constantly conquering weaknesses, circumstances, etc. You want to be someone your partner can rely on, even when times get tough.

Tip 12: Love Each Other more than anything!

A pretty obvious tip, but I thought it should be emphasized at the end again. Just LOVE each other. Make sure you tell yourself, others, and your spouse how wonderful he/she is. Praise yourself a lucky man/woman that you found that person. Be ready to give up anything to save your relationship, if necessary. I hope you found these tips to be helpful and I hope you will have a happy relationship!

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