The art of Tantra comes to us from the mystical East.An ancient form of spiritually, one of Tantra’s most important precepts is the idea that everything in life is sacred. That includes sex. If your body is your temple, then sex is a type of worship that honors its sacred nature. Part of what Tantra holds true is that both men and women have a “sacred spot” that forms part of their genitalia. For men, this is the prostate gland. For women, it’s the controversial G-Spot. Tantra practices the stimulation of the sacred spot in both men and women, but since we’re here to help you help your woman get to the Big Bang, let’s talk about how to massage her sacred spot to orgasm.
Your hands are your woman's best friends. If you know how to use them and how to press all the right button, they can have an almost magical effect on her.In Tantra, the woman’s vagina and everything around it is known as the yoni, while our sexual apparatus is known as the lingam. Yoni massage seeks to unleash the sacred feminine through the stimulation of that magical mound in her vagina, the G-Spot. As with everything else in this book, the two of you must have the kind of trust that allows you to explore these techniques. That means your woman needs to be as comfortable and ready as possible. Setting the scene and mood have a lot to do with that.
You may want to set up a special area for Tantric sacred spot massage, or perhaps make the bed look even more inviting than it already does. When women are comfortable and more importantly, feel pampered, they’re relaxed and you need her to be relaxed for this.
Pillows and bolsters can be added to the bed. And exotic throw in rich colors will add a touch of the mystic east, from whence Tantra hails. Candles, incense and soft, relaxing music can heighten the effect of opulence and the care you’re taken to the set the scene. A bottle of fine wine should be purchased for the occasion and sipped, as a prelude to your orgasmic massage session. Women love all these elements and wine is just the icing on the cake. Make sure to have a towel handy to spread across the bedspread to prevent getting the massage oil on it. This is just one way of demonstrating your considerate forethought.
When you feel the moment’s right, encourage and knead your woman into the most advantageous position for yoni massage. She should be reclining on the cozy nest of pillows you've arranged on the bed. Another can be slid under her hips. The towel will have been placed there for your woman to sit on. Her legs should be open and bent slightly at the knees. It’s probably a good idea for her to set the wine on the nightstand before you get started. The thrills you’re about to give her might just send that wine splattering in every direction and that will make quite a fine mess. You can place it next to the bottle of massage oil, which you’re keeping warm in oil burner/ warmer, heated by the candle underneath it.
As with all types of love play, don’t go straight for orgasm ground zero. Start elsewhere on her body, lubricating your hands with warm, softly scented massage oil before you begin. It's also advisable that you have a set of surgical gloves set discreetly aside. If your hands and fingers have any rough edges, that could put a damper on your fun. Slipping one or both of the gloves on before the main act can prevent that.
You might want to start by straddling your woman and kissing her passionately and deeply, as you massage her temples, neck and shoulders. You can then slowly work your way down her body. If she’s still partially clothed, you can remove what she’s wearing as you arrive at the various erogenous zones you’re going to massage. As you do so, remember to keep your hands well oiled, as the sensation of being massaged with oil will relax your woman and is bound to drive her wild.
When the moment is right, drizzle the warm oil over her pubis, allowing it to trickle suggestively down into her labia and over her clit. This will delight her, adding to the natural lubrication she’s busily started producing as your hands have rushed and roamed over her reclining body. Taking a little more oil in the palm of your hand, smile and look into her eyes, as you spread it over them. By now she won’t be able to wipe the smile off her face, as I’m sure she will be looking forward to what comes next.
Now begin to gently work the oil into your woman’s genitals. Carefully watch her responses, as you do so. Work first on the labial folds, gently stroking them. Graze your fingers over the vaginal opening, but don’t touch it, or enter it yet. Work your way to the clitoris ever so slowly. This is not so much a “tease” as building the tension required for eventual climax. Once you’e there, barely touch the peak of her clitoris, gently swirling across this small, sensitive area, first this way, then that. Intermittently, squeeze the clitoral peak. Orgasm should not occur yet, so it’s extremely important that you keep a close watch on your women and the quality of the sounds she’s making, as well as her breathing. If you feel she’s getting too close to orgasm.
When you’re both feeling it’s time, insert your middle fingure in her vagina. Do not thrust! This is the sacred spot massage and that does not involve poking the vagina with your finger. Instead, massage the cushiony vaginal walls as you move your finger further into the vaginal canal. As you do so, be aware of the location of a small mound on the front wall of her vagina. This is what is known as the sacred (or G) spot, in Tantra.
As you gently massage this area or her vagina, you’ll probably find that your woman's response is becoming more intense, as her pleasure mounts. Bend your finger and gently move it, as though beckoning someone to come to you, repeating the motion slowly and deliberately. This will intensify the sensation and also, her lubrication, as she is overwhelmed with erotic pleasure. You can now insert a second finger, repeating the motion, as described, with both, simultaneously, slowly and above all, gently.
If you're feeling really masterful, you can caress her anus with your pinky finger and gently run you thumb over the tip of her now erect clit. This is the point at which she’s likely to explode in a supernova of an orgasm. Remember, though, that sacred spot massage is more about paying homage to the yoni, in Tantra, than orgasm, but it’s doubtful she'll be able to help herself if you’ve proceeded slowly and sensually. In fact, you may be able to help her orgasm more than once in a massage session. Eexperiencing an orgasm prior to intercourse makes women more likely to have another in the course of the act, itself. That’s important information if your massage session is just the first feature in the night's line up.