Be A Musky-teer

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 10988

One of the strongest of all our five senses is smell, especially as it relates to sex. And to this extent, one of the best (and most sexually indirect) ways to reach her sexual pleasure centers, toward the Big Bang later on, is by wearing a musk- scented cologne.

Why on earth musk, of all scents? Doesn't musky cologne smell, well, rather old? First off, smelling old is a relative term. What may smell old to a young man may smell young to an old one. Kidding aside, different people have different views on musk-scented cologne. But whose opinion is important when it comes to scent and her ability to achieve orgasm - yours or hers? Right!

Going back to musky cologne, the single biggest reason to go for that Old Spice tiling your dad has in his closet is that musky smells mimic testosterone. You know, that hormone that screams “manliness!” And the manlier she senses you to be, the more turned on she's going to be.

It’s been proven than women are one thousand times more likely to be aroused by the scent of musk than men are. Even by wearing a musk-scented perfume, women can feel sexier. By having a heightened sense of their own attractiveness, provoked by the perfume, it's possible for women to attract men, as men can sense their sexual availability and readiness. But men wearing a musk-scented cologne (particularly in an intimate setting) can enhance women’s state of arousal because of their sensitivity to the scent.

Musk also echoes the scent of male pheromones, those surreptitious, hormonal emissions that draw men and women toward each other, without our even being aware of their presence. For that reason, if you plan on wearing cologne, musk is your ‘go to’.

Another reason for going musky is that if you consistently wear it, she’ll unconsciously associate it with having sex with you, which hopefully is good enough to ramp up her anticipation. That being said, I guess I understand now why Old Spice cologne still continues to be a hit in the market despite being, well, old! But there are some great alternatives out there you might want to think about trying. Let's be honest - Old Space might remind her of her dad and that’s the last thing that’s going to turn her on. In fact, studies have found that together with the scent of barbecued meat, Old Spice turned a lot of women off. It’s definitely not for everyone, especially if you’re not a Boomer. (Then again, most of us have our kinks. Check out the chapter on that later in the book).

You might want to try something a little more upmarket. Hit the men’s fragrance section at your local department store and talk to one of the sales people. They’ll point you in the right direction. Whatever you choose, keep it fresh and subtle. Most women prefer this to the “knock her backwards five feet” type of cologne. Don't overdo it, either. Just a little suggestion of cologne is enough. It means she has to be nice and close to you to smell it. Another turn on for women - that scent is for her to enjoy - not everyone else in the vicinity.

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