Foreplay for the Big Bang

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 11162

One of the best ways to approach foreplay is to start even before you reach the bedroom. If you are planning to make love to her tonight, you can start as early as the morning by priming her mentally, with a little sexy talk. No, I don’t mean talking to her disrespectfully like “Yo, bitch! I’m gonna screw you so hard tonight you won’t know what hit your pussy!” No, no, no! “Talking dirty” for purposes of foreplay isn’t about demeaning your’s about exciting her. It’s about priming her pump with the promise of a night of erotic pleasure.

So how do you talk dirty the right way? Part of sexual arousal comes from the anticipation of the act - and this requires you to be a bit vague to pique her interest. For example, you might want to try texting her this in the morning:

“I love your dress today. It makes me wanna...hmmm..later,babe.”

What you did by texting her something like that, is give her the idea that the way she’s dressed today makes you horny-but she can’t be sure because you weren’t direct with her. And subconsciously, that leaves her wondering: “Did I just turn him on or is he just teasing me?” That small, unanswered question will linger throughout the day. And you should ride that momentum by pouring more gasoline on the fire:

“Don’t make plans for tonight. I have one for us already.”

“Hmmm...can’t get you out of my head. You naughty girl you.”

“Make sure you clock off work on time...earlier if possible. I’m excited to...”

You get the drift. Stoke the fire with subtle inuendoes and double entendres.

And when you’re finally together in bed, tell her what you plan to do as you gently caress her all over. She’ll be good and ready by the time you get to kissing, which is the next step in your foreplay strategy.

For men, kissing is more like a segue way to The Show! But kissing is an important prelude to moving toward that. For women, kissing means so much more. I can personally attest to that. My wife she gets turned on more when we passionately kiss first before doing other foreplay stuff. And believe me, she walks her talk. I guess this is because most women are more emotional about sex than most men and nothing speaks more eloquently to emotional connection and passion than passionate,deep,soft kisses. They’re nothing like a go necking session. In fact, you can give your woman cunnilingus, but she won’t feel as connected to you as if you put her tongue skillfully in her mouth. That’s how powerful a foreplay tool passionate kissing is. So the next time you’re tempted to skip the kissing part, don’t! Believe me, it’s worth spending the time on and your reward for that extra attention will be the kind of sex that blows the top of your head off.

After your mouth and lips, your hands are next up to prime her for the big bang. Touch is one of the most important and effective tools in a guy’s toolbox. Learning how to touch in touch in the right way will pay huge sexual dividends.

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