Many studies have shown that porn consumption is hazardous to your psychological health and sexual health, damages the intimacy in your relationship, affects strength of your erections, and weakens your attraction to your partner.
Just as fast food is a false form of nutrition, pornography is a false form of intimacy.
In one session of porn consumption, you're able to view hundreds of sexually available, airbrushed women playing out your every sexual fantasy. So when it comes time to being with your partner in bed, your routinely overstimulated brain experiences difficulty reaching arousal.
Porn addiction is what is known as an “arousal addiction.” Instead of wanting more of the same of something (like drug addiction), you crave more varied stimulation. You are ultimately trapping yourself in an endless spiral of insatiability. Your brain cannot allow you to experience sexual satisfaction with your partner simply because it doesn't offer enough variety. Botton line, porn is poisoning your sex life.
While your porn use is probably far from being a classifiable issue, even mild consumption negatively affects your sex drive, your perception of your partner, and your overall relationship.
The benefits of reducing porn and removing porn from your life include:
-More control over your orgasm
-Increased sex drive
-Stronger and longer lasting erections
-Increased sexual attraction to your partner
-More mental and emotional presence with your partner
-More appreciation of women in general
Here are three tips on how to cut back and eventually eliminate your porn consumption.
1. Commit to only viewing one actress' work
Limiting your consumption to viewing the work of only one actress is the lesser of two evils when compared to overconsumption, instead of randomly clicking through hundreds of different porn stars, you are conditioning your brain to respond to one individual actress. By limiting your consumption in this way, you reduce the likelihood of being overstimulated by mass variety.
2. Cut down time spent watching porn
Reduce your normal porn consumption. Cut down to viewing porn only once or twice a week. Set a timer for ten to twenty minutes to avoid binging during your sessions. Schedule it, if you need to, but set a hard boundary. Make it non-negotiable and stick to it.
3. Try the 90-day experiment
What I have found to be the most effective way to eliminate porn use is the 90 Day Experiment. Go cold turkey and do not watch porn for 90 days. Get a friend to hold you accountable if necessary.